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Old 04-24-2006, 07:57 AM   #47
Amir Krause
Dojo: Shirokan Dojo / Tel Aviv Israel
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 692
Re: Instructor got mad because I didnt fall

David Skaggs wrote:
In the dojo there is an authority structure ( chain of command) with the sensei at the top. Sensei's dojo, sensei's rules. Sensei determines how the students interact during practice. Resistance, no resistance, little resistance, alot of resistance is up to how sensei wants it. If you practice under a different sensei you practice under different rules. If you can not figure out the rules, ask. If you want to learn bad enough you will follow the rules. If you do not like the rules, don't practice with that sensei.
Could not agree with the above.

David Skaggs wrote:
Practically speaking, if your in a fight the person attacking you may not to do a perfect Aikido
technique, if he knows Aikido at all. You are not going to know what is coming at you. In your daily life you may need to take a fall because you accidently trip, fall of a ladder or have your nine year old daughter trip you at the roller skating rink while you are helping her skate.
You need to know how to fall so you do not hurt yourself or somebody else. Where else are you going to practice this but in the safe environment of the dojo with the help of your fellow students?
If nage does not do the technique right, learn how to take a fall from that imperfect technique.
What you learn as uke is just as important as what you learn as nage.
I also agree with the needs you present here, and the conclusion that falling should be learned in the Dojo. But this does not mean that being Uke should normally equal breakfall/rolling practice. One should practice the latter, but not at the expense of being a good Uke in paired exercises.
As for falling from imperfect techniques, this would happen anyhow, during technique practice (if Uke fell from a technique, it does not make t perfect), during Randori practice and during dedicated practice for falling (we train this separately when we feel the need).

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