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Old 04-20-2006, 09:49 AM   #101
IP Hash: 968ee57f
Anonymous User
Re: Religious Restrictions on Training

I am the person who started this thread.

The young man never returned to the dojo.

Thank you to all who responded! If this comes up again, I have decided to follow Eric Webber's advice in post # 7: "We had the same issue several months ago. My answer to the gentleman was that everyone is expected to practice with everyone else, and he would have to decide for himself if he is willing to accept that, coming into our space."

As a 501(c)(3) organization, we will not discriminate on the basis of religion. As an aikido dojo, we will not alter our training methods. If following those two principles ever puts the dojo on the receiving end of a lawsuit, we will drop our tax-exempt status.

Thank you again for all your ideas and suggestions.
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