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Old 04-15-2006, 09:29 PM   #49
Jorge Garcia
Dojo: Shudokan School of Aikido
Location: Houston
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 608
Re: Watch Out for Aikido 'Shihans'..........

John Riggs wrote:
Brian: Yes, I'm under the same Kato sensei as Jorge and it has been a blessing. He does enjoy his time on the mat and has fun. Joel is a part of our group as well and a student of Kato sensei.

The high prices are interesting. Here's another link that charges high prices for bs. What's interesting about this one is that it is so bizarre that it is almost a mockery of the other frauds. I present to you the Grand Celestial Do, the alien martial art. Enjoy.
This guy has way too much time on his hands!

"It is the philosophy that gives meaning to the method of training."