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Old 04-15-2006, 08:52 PM   #25
Dojo: Aikido of Ashland
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 395
Re: Am i missing something??

David Valadez wrote:
I'm talking about a totally different way of relating to training something beyond wanting, not wanting, forcing, etc.
And what is that "way"/ "something" exactly?

David Valadez wrote:
If one can't move beyond that, then one knows very well why sometimes they quit and/or don't mind quitting, etc. - because desire is fleeting. If our training remains based in desire - even when we are stubborn enough to force ourselves against our desires - our training will be fleeting (just like our desires always are).


Desire cannot ever support commitment. Desire supports only convenience.

my opinion,
Omg, this makes no sense whatsoever. lol Why don't you talk more like a human being and less like a science book?
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