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Old 04-15-2006, 01:23 PM   #21
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Re: Am i missing something??

Paige Frazier wrote:
Ok... so you're saying i should force myself to do something i don't want to do at the moment? Ok, thats fine when it comes to having a job, or getting school work done, or going to church, but hobbies, or sports?

No, see that never works. Been there, done that.

Well, i can't help that i breathe. My body does it on its own. My body doesn't do Aikido on its own. My mind has to tell it that i want to do Aikido. And right now my mind doesn't want to tell my body that.

And like i said, It's not that i'm totally not motivated. If i had lost interest completely then i wouldn't be here doing this right now.
Forcing is part of attaching want to training. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a totally different way of relating to training something beyond wanting, not wanting, forcing, etc.

If one can't move beyond that, then one knows very well why sometimes they quit and/or don't mind quitting, etc. - because desire is fleeting. If our training remains based in desire - even when we are stubborn enough to force ourselves against our desires - our training will be fleeting (just like our desires always are).

There are ways of relating to training - so that it becomes like breathing - so "our bodies do it on their own." Until we figure that out, until we realize that it's not about forcing ourselves into something, etc., then we should at least know why we quit, want to quit, think of quitting, etc., and we also know that we will eventually. Desire cannot ever support commitment. Desire supports only convenience.

my opinion,

David M. Valadez
Visit our web site for articles and videos. Senshin Center - A Place for Traditional Martial Arts in Santa Barbara.
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