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Old 03-30-2006, 09:37 AM   #13
billybob's Avatar
Dojo: Academy of Warrior Spirit
Location: tampa
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 440
Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I was told I had scoliosis and it was incurable. I learned I had post traumatic stress disorder because I began treatment and started getting over my anxiety disorder! I also decided at that moment that I did not have incurable scoliosis - I had some crippling physical injuries that I was locked around due to the emotional issues.

Much therapy later, and featuring Chi Kung, or Qigong, of the 'standing like a tree' variety has opened up my injuries. The pain was out of this world, but tomorrow I retake the second kyu test I failed 18 years ago.

Aikido may not heal, but all of the paths to healing, and healers I have found, were connected to aikido in some networked way.

Do what your doctors order. Study chi kung. Decide to be well.

God Bless you, and take courage on your difficult, but valid, path.

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