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Old 11-26-2001, 04:50 PM   #11
L. Camejo
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Dojo: Ontario Martial Arts
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 1,423
Originally posted by deepsoup

Hi Larry,

Have you heard of the Tomiki-L mailing list? There is a fair bit there that may interest you. I just recently discovered that all the posts are archived at:

If you're going to be in the UK, I'll make sure I get to train with you. London isn't far for me to travel once in a while, or if you're thinking of heading a little further north, you'll be very welcome in Sheffield.

The annual Shodokan course in Skenfrith (just over the border between England and Wales, at the home dojo of Bob Forrest-Webb) might be a good time for you to be here. Its held over a long weekend towards the end of May, there's excellent instruction and its always lots of fun.

Thanks for the info Sean,

I've signed up for the Tomiki-l list andI'm going through the archives and stuff.

I'll be checking out my options for training in the UK soon, my sensei and I may make a trip up from London to Sheffield. I'll keep you posted on developments.

At present I'm also thinking of organizing an International Shodokan Aikido seminar in my country of Trinidad. I plan to invite Shodokan Aikidoka worldwide to come to Trinidad for a few days to showcase what Aikido and Shodokan in particular is all about.

This, of course is only in the planning stages, I need to make a few more contacts (including finding out if my Sensei can get Nariyama to come). So if you or anyone else who sees this may be interested, please let me know. There are many people in the Caribbean interested in Aikido, but the main style offered is Aikikai. It would be nice to give them another option.

Thank for all the replies guys. If I have any probs with the koryu no kata I'll be back.

Arigato Gozaimashita

--Mushin Mugamae - No Mind No Posture. He who is possessed by nothing possesses everything.--
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