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Old 03-02-2006, 05:48 AM   #60
Keith R Lee
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 219
Re: Did Aikido fail you in "real life"?

Since no one else seem to want to step up to the plate, I will. It's pretty easy to gain some humility after getting beaten all the time.

In my Sambo classes, and at BJJ gyms I've been to, my Aikido technique has failed. A lot. Repeatedly. Like again and again. Like, dammit, why the hell doesn't this stuff EVER work.

After training in Sambo for a year or so, more Aiki-type principles made themselves apparent to me in Sambo/grappling. After a little bit longer, I was able to pull off a couple of what most would consider "pure" Aikido techniques, but not that often. The two that come to mind are hiji-ate and nikkajo.

Sure, it was in a "controlled" environment and I was stepping into "their" world of grappling, but really should that matter? Also, their "controlled" environment with its rules etc. is a helluva lot more uncontrolled than most Aikido dojos. Not to mention, that even though my gym is a sport-focused one, does not mean that we do not cross over into Combat Sambo, or that guys training for MMA don't swing in. As hard and as difficult as grappling is, combine being on the bottom with someone trying as hard as they can to punch you in the face AND submit you, is a real eye-opener.

Keith Lee
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