Thread: Videos
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Old 10-17-2001, 12:50 PM   #2
Brian Vickery
Dojo: Aiki-Buken Aikido
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 208
Re: Videos

Originally posted by akiy
So, if a student at your current dojo came up to you and asked, "I was thinking of getting some aikido videos to supplement what we're doing here. Do you have any suggestions?", which videos would you recommend and why?

-- Jun
The videos that I usually recommend are the two videos on 'Ukemi' by Bruce Bookman. (It could be any video on ukemi for that matter, I just happen to have those two available to lend out)

The reason I recommend these videos is to help the newer students recognize the importance of good ukemi as a precurser to learning aikido techniques.

The fear of falling usually traps the newer student on a learning plateau. Once that fear is overcome, it frees the student to concentrate on other aspects of the class, not just worrying about hitting the ground.

Anyway, that's my slant on this topic!

Brian Vickery

"The highest level of technique to achieve is that of having NO technique!"
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