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Old 12-27-2005, 02:16 PM   #3
Neil Mick
Dojo: Aikido of Santa Cruz
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 225
Re: High level power abuse

Circumstances have lead me to witness intimacy between a lower rank female and the Master. They are both married. I know the woman and she is indeed in a bad marriage and extremely vulnerable. I am very conflicted by the whole thing and would like suggestions as to how to handle this.
Well, respectfully: I disagree with Jim (please don't hurt me, Jim ).

Certainly, it is a difficult situation. There is much potential for abuse in an extra-marital relationship btw Sensei and student. And yes: I would personally call the Sensei's behavior irresponsible (definitely, outside the bounds of good etiquette, in many dojo's).

Its all very un-Aiki
But "un-Aiki?" I have always been troubled by that term. And I think that while there is a good chance that your Sensei could be abusing his position: I would tread carefully, in casting about such labels or throwing my weight into situations where my opinions are unwanted, or unhelpful.

If you're the friend of the woman: I might talk it out with her; but IMO, tread carefully when broaching private matters with Sensei.
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