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Old 12-12-2005, 03:47 PM   #4
Dojo: Portland Aikikai
Location: Portland
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 82
Re: Quoting O'Sensei

Cool subject! I am of the mind that contradictions or paradoxes invite further exploration - what is the underlying theme? Especially since words can be such a crude medium for conveying knowledge.
My knee-jerk reaction to the three contradictions that were presented are:

1. Love for all must accompany the ability to kill with a strike, lest one become callous and leave a wake of destrucion.
2. Focusing on victory will inhibit one's training.
3. There is a profound difference between fighting with someone and dealing with them. Cultivating awareness is critical.

I agree that it is a problem when people quote O'sensei (or anyone else) without any context and try to interpret his statements for others: "This is what he meant, because [ insert quote here ]." I guess that's what we're always doing to some extent (see 1,2,3, above!), so it's important to realize this and try to keep an open mind. Again, cool subject, thanks for starting it!

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