Thread: Is there more?
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Old 11-26-2005, 01:39 AM   #13
tedehara's Avatar
Dojo: Evanston Ki-Aikido
Location: Evanston IL
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 826
Re: Is there more?

Mat Hill wrote:
I've been to Ki Society schools too. IME, I would say that method of teaching is in the minority.
If all you've seen are aikido classes then yes, it could seem like there is little discussion of general principles. Yet in ki development classes, there is usually a general principle laid out as the theme for the class.

Although most people have heard of the four basic principles, there is also the 15 - 5 Principles (15 X 5 = 60 various principles). This is not counting things like the 5 Vows, 21 Ki Sayings or 10 Precepts of Spiritual Training. If the Ki Society doesn't talk about general principles, then why do they have all these lists?

Matt Hill wrote:
Thank you for highlighting one of the basic differences between Ki Society and say, Yoshinkan. However, leverage is one factor. By all means, feel free to provide an example using maai etc.
On a nage/uke level, aiki is usually described as blending with one's uke, leading the attacker's intent, redirecting the uke's will. This is done in every aikido technique. Perhaps it can be seen more simply in zempo-nages (forward or same direction throws) but aiki occurs in every technique.

Two people come together in conflict. It is this "coming together" that the process of aiki can occur. This is where all the factors like ma-ai (space or distance), kokyu (breath or timing), taking up slack (establishing the connection between nage-uke) come into being.

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