Thread: Irimi vs Tenkan
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Old 11-16-2005, 06:10 AM   #5
Dojo: Bristol North Aikido Dojo
Location: Bristol
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 659
Re: Irimi vs Tenkan

For me there is tenkan-irimi and irimi.

But tenkan goes way beyond the turn and step that many call tenkan.

It may be a physical movement, an in breath or even the thought process as you evaluate a situation prior to launching your attack (irimi).

Like the nagababa above - we practice to always finish with irimi. This is the 'kill'.

But we also look to blend. If uke and tori both attack there is a clash. yang against yang or positive against positive. Whatever description floats your boat.

To me it is more 'aikido' to use tenkan to absorb ukes attack then turn it back on them when the power has gone. tenkan / irimi.

There is no tenkan v irimi argument, both exist together. If there is no attack from uke there is nothing to avoid so irimi is possible. Where an attack exists...avoid then counter...tenkan, Irimi!

There is never irimi tenkan. Logically this is to launch an attack...and then turn and retreat. This makes no sense to me aikidowise. Once its on it has to be finished.


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