Thread: Tieing a belt
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Old 09-24-2001, 12:09 PM   #16
Location: Frederick, MD
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 509
Obi wan Hakama?

Originally posted by Dave Humm

>Sensei himself, having seen a Yudansha
>walking off mat with a normal belt tied in
>the mannor where it was not crossed at the

OK, so I'm really just a little girl inside ... I've always worn my obi wrapped flat and not crossed, whether it was an old-style sword belt or a new-fangled (Thanks, Mr Kano!) one.

The older style, used for many years in budo, is wider, softer and longer than the one you probably got when you bought your judogi or karate uniform. The belt I almost always wear nowadays is one of these. It's worn and ties slightly differently (and there are, indeed, several different, all 'traditional' ways to tie 'em).

>back. I had not heard of this being
>described as a 'feminine' way before.

Me either. Ever.

>I wear my hakama with the shorter lengths as

Umm, dang, lemme think. I don't even think much about putting a hakama on, really. It's just something my hands seem ot know how to do.

Hmm. I wear the hak differently for weapons than for empty hand. For weapons, I don't tuck the waist band of the hakama at all, for empty-hand, I do. However, both are tied pretty much the same otherwise. I learned to tie the front first, wrapping the himo and tying them in back; then the back goes over the belt knot (worn in the back, BTW) and tied snug.

Someone said the knot in front (short himo, I think) is called a 'fat sparrow' or somesuch.

There are about as many ways to wear a hakama as there are schools that use 'em.


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