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Old 10-18-2005, 12:45 PM   #21
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
Location: Phila. Pa
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 4,615
Re: Break falls can be a problem!

Hi William,

Did I train with you by any chance when I visited your dojo about two years ago? I was the odd looking one who dropped in late when I couldn't find the dojo...

William Oakes wrote:
Not for nothing, but if you get trapped from doing a roll, either forward or back, during a throw, its either an exceptional Nage or bad ukemi. I lean towards bad ukemi.
I have to disagree (politely) with this one. I think some styles/teachers/dojo emphasis breakfalls, and some do not, depending on the types and methods of the throws commonly seen.

Uke really needs to protect himself during the course of a throw. You cant always rely on nage to watch out for you. In fact, you shouldn't rely on anyone but your own ukemi. Ukemi is self reliance and about self preservation.
This I strongly agree with!

That being said You can pretty much take back rolls for shiho-nage,irimi-nage,,juji-nage, pretty much any projection regardless of the speed at which you are working.
Well, where I usually train these are done as projections, pins, and throws almost straight down...the breakfall really comes in handy on the last two. Shihonage kuzushi (straight arm) for instance is often done with shite releasing the hand just before or at impact of uke with the mat.

" A break fall is good ukemi gone bad" not sure who I robbed that line from I think it may have been my sensei. Basically You survived up to a point, but now you are forced to take a break fall, ie all other options have failed, time for the back up plan or my joints/arms will give a new meaning to the phrase double jointed.
I have to say that I really enjoyed the class I got to take from your instructor in South Jersey...remarkable aikidoka. But I haven't had the same experience as his quote reflects. And by studying breakfalls I have found that it opens up my ability to train with all manner of folks (judoka, students of Daito ryu, and others). Without them, I simply wouldn't be able to 'hang' with arts that throw straight down.

I will say though that I wish my rolls were as smooth as some I've seen...just a whisper as they glide through their rolls. B-e-a-u-tifull. Really speaks to the ART side of aikido.

Aikido is silent art, in that most of the learning comes from training. Actual hands on practice(lots of it) is the best way to get a point through.
Again, strongly agree. Teaching someone to breakfall through typing on the internet is probably the single most silly thing I could imagine!


Last edited by Ron Tisdale : 10-18-2005 at 12:49 PM.

Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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