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Old 10-02-2005, 12:21 PM   #17
Pauliina Lievonen
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Dojo: Jiki Shin Kan Utrecht
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 562
Re: committed attack/sensitive ukemi paradox

Janet Rosen wrote:
If I give the kind of very focused intent attack empty hand that I'd be giving in partnered weapons work, I'm bringing a certain solidity to it, a feeling that I will reach my goal with my center/posture intact. If nage moves and I'm somewhat imbalanced (which would be considered a good next step in the interaction...) my tendency is to stay in "solid" mode --
I think Janet might be away for the weekend...

Another thought that occurred to me is how to understand center, and posture, and solidity.

It's possible to be solid, and stuck to one place, or solid, but movable. This is something I get to explore with people when they first come to have Alexander technique lessons. If we take moving from standing to sitting in a chair... there's often a pause, a moment where the person needs to decide "now I want to move" and unstick themselves from the standing posture, in order to start moving. Someone who is able to stand more ...fluidly can go from standing to moving into the chair without the pause, even though they were standing in balance and apparently quite well in balance (we're never in balance, but we can appear to be ).

What I'm saying is, I've never met Janet in person so I don't know if this applies to her, but sometimes people get fixed when they want to be solid/centered /(rooted? ), and wanting to deliver an intense attack might be associated with the idea that in order to do that one needs to be solid/centered in a particular way. And maybe there's a different way of being solid/centered and attacking intensely, that isn't fixed, and that allows one to move easily if it's required.

How's that for indirect?

About words... solid makes me think very heavy, downward, not mobile. Lot's of "centered" people I've met like to push their pelvis into their legs, making movement in the hip joint difficult. Not a fault of the words themselves, but words can be tricky things.

As uke, I prefer "strategic" to "committed".

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