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Old 10-02-2005, 09:51 AM   #21
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 283
Hong Kong
Re: atemi is 90% of Aikido

Hagen Seibert wrote:
In most styles of Aikido atemi is rather a means than a technique, i.e. a means to break balance, to distract, to win time for entering, ot to make uke move in a certain way like make him do a block which you can use for e.g. ikkyo on this blocking arm. So naturally (2) will be rarely practised as this would be the original meaning of striking: hit an couse trauma or injury. Though in my opinion itīs a thing one should know (even if you donīt want to use it, because it gives a meaning to your way of atemi). I think I agree with most posters on this thread here.
When I mentioned (2) in my post, I was referring to mock punches and kicks. If we really tried to punch or kick, I think we would run out of ukes soon.

However, (2) may have several problems:
(I don't claim to be an expert in this area so this is just what I think)
(a) Punching or kicking may require a sudden change of technique - i.e. when you strike at an opening, the whole nature of the technique will change. The "well-aimed blow" may cause uke to double-over or fall back. This may require a change in technique (or another atemi) because of the difference in uke's position/posture.
(b) The flow of movement may be disturbed because one has gone for a strike - e.g. in the middle of shihonage ura, you stop to give uke a sock in the ribs. I always thought that continuous flow was an important part of Aikido.
(c) Nage may not be able to control his strength and really hurt uke - this may happen with an over-enthusiastic nage or a nage who has training in another martial art that emphasizes striking.

Again, I wonder whether anyone trains by deliberately striking (albeit softly) at every opening when doing an Aikido technique in normal practice. I've seen people do mock punches from time to time, but kicks?
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