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Old 10-02-2005, 06:29 AM   #19
Dojo: Yoshinkan
Location: Tokyo
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 20
Re: atemi is 90% of Aikido

This is a direct quotation from the Japanese version of "Aikido Shubyo" by Shioda sensei. The title of the chapter is "In a real fight 70% is Atemi".

After explaining some real figthing occasion in the previous chapter,
"Maybe you are surprised that I used mostly Atemi in these occasions.... but my teacher Morihei Ueshiba sensei always had stated that in real fighting occasions 70% of aikido is atemi, and 30% is throwing. You may maybe ask about the various locks that we are training. If you are picked uped with a drunk, maybe wrist locks are better choice to control the opponent, but in a life and death matter or if you are facing multiple opponents, speed is the crucial part and you must rely on atemi or throws that can be done in a moment."

After that he explains several principles that can make the atemi in aikido effective (Irimi, timing and the concentration of the power).
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