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Old 06-10-2005, 04:15 PM   #31
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Frustrated by unconvincing aikido

what is the fascination about training with "realistic" attacks? What is a "realistic attack".

I train soldiers in the Army Combatives program, if anyone has a need to train with realistic attacks it would be my guys!

While we probably train a little harder, and more physical than some out there...and we don't have to worry too much about being sued or liability'd be suprised about how easy we train 90% of the time.

Why? It is pretty easy to hit someone, and hits and strikes don't tend to be overly effective means of immobilizing someone. It is a skill that most people already know how to do. They ability to control someone and then be able to strike or hit them once they are controlled.

Therefore, we tend to practice what you would call BJJ 90% of the time.

Also, you have to remember, most of us are never alone. The guy that wins the fight is the guy whose buddy shows up next, preferably with a weapon.

I think a realistic attack does not have to mean sparring like a boxer etc. In reality you get ambushed, subdued, then damaged by strikes, kicks or weapons. To train this way is simply impossible to learn anything of value.

You have to learn principles of retaiining or regaining your center, balance, and dominance of the situation above anything else. Arts like aikido and BJJ do a good job of doing this.

Going fast and out of control does not create the environment that is conducive for learning this. therefore, dojos create control measures and rules which allow for the principles to be taught.

Realistic fight training would be 1. learn to recognize the risk factors and avoidance of situations 2. always have friends, law enforcement, or other such people around. 3. Be able to walk away or cross the street to create the space necessary for egress. 4. if you can't avoid such risky situations, carry weapons that give you an advantage. 5. If you don't have a weapon, find one.

I don't believe realistic fighting has much to do with empty ahnd martial arts to be quite honest. Sure it can give you skills, but there are much better uses of your time and efforts if you are truly in it for self defense and realistic fighting...but then again, that might depend on your definition of realistic fighitng...mine is that someone wants to seriously harm me or kill me. I don't rely to my years of empty hand training to protect me in that respect.
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