Thread: Kaeshi Waza
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Old 06-08-2005, 06:45 AM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 39
United Kingdom
Re: Kaeshi Waza

Hi people,

thanks for all the responses so far. I have recently purchased a set of DVD's by Dr Yang, Jwing Ming 'Chin-Na In Depth volumes 1 to 12' and in volume 12 he explains counter techniques that can be applied to a few aikido techniques. He explains that by relaxing and not resisting a technique a counter can be applied in all situations, these set of DVD's have really enhanced my views on Kaeshi waza and can see that this form of training would be very useful in developing sensitivity to your partners. Under controlled circumstances training techniques could become something like the tai chi push and sticky hand techniques where counters are reapplied by both sides continuously until, if at all, a victor emerges.

In them he emphasizes that just by changing the angle of your body a once secure technique being applied to you, would become impossible, and the nage (in our case) would have to find a different technique, or they themselves would become uke.

thanks again for all the responses.
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