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Old 05-30-2005, 03:33 PM   #3
Dojo: Aikidog Aikikai
Location: Massachusetts
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 199
Re: Martial arts and Children.

I agree, it's perception because of what's around the most. Here in Massachusetts, pretty much every town has a karate school and bigger towns and cities have more than one -- so we're talking about having a karate school every ten miles or less. And they're all primarily for kids, advertising that it teaches fitness and self-discipline and some say self-defense. So in general, when someone thinks of Martial Arts they think of karate -- and then they'll either think "Bruce Lee" (or "Jackie Chan") or if they're more realistic they'll think of all those kids taking karate.

I help teach at a karate school in town that has over 100 kids in classes all week and has maybe 20 adults. I have to say, the exercise, self-discipline, self-confidence and physical self-control it teaches these kids is good -- I can usually see a big difference in the kids after several weeks of classes. I can easily see that Aikido would have a similar benefit, but you're right that it's harder to explain to kids. But they do love ukemi!
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