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Old 04-28-2005, 02:16 PM   #119
Dojo: St Andrews University Aikido Club, Scotland, UK
Location: London
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 15
United Kingdom
Re: Defending against Aikido

Alex Lawrence wrote:
Umm, if you manage to complete the entry yes. It should. If you keep your arm in there is no shi-ho nage though omote or ura. Try it. Keep your elbow on your body and ask someone to do shi-hi nage on you.
Actually, that's not true - shiho nage can still be done, but it tends to be extremely uncomfortable for uke. It just means doing ura sinking down a bit more.
Alex Lawrence wrote:
People tend to do exactly what they're trainned to do in the dojo. We have a saying in our dojo when a newbie asks what technique we'd do in a given situation: "It is as it falls".
In a sense, you are correct. This is why we keep training until the aikido becomes spontaneous, where you create every technique from scratch depending on everything about a situation. Then, you do exactly as in the dojo - you create the appropriate response. This will seldom be a well defined technique.
Alex Lawrence wrote:
Well it wouldn't be shi-ho nage then would it? So there would be no need to counter shi-ho nage. Besides you're assuming uke throws a punch big enough to unbalance himself.
It is dangerous to fixate on a technique. It is also true that any technique can be countered, expecially when you know what it will be. This is also true of any strike. If there's no shiho nage there, then why fixate on it - do something else! That's aikido. Of course if, on striking uke or whatever (from that safe position), uke reacts in such a way that shiho nage is there, then do it!!

As for the balance comment - no. I am assuming that uke throw whatever punch they want. In attack, uke's mind is a little out of balance, so I might be able to lead their mind. If not, I can physically unbalance them by entering correctly. If the punch is a faint, I can still choose not to enter.

Geoff Saulnier
Blending works for coffee...
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