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Old 04-28-2005, 01:06 PM   #118
Dojo: Zanshin Kai
Location: Birmingham
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 865
United Kingdom
Re: Defending against Aikido

Geoff Saulnier wrote:
Only if the technique sucks - the omote entry should have you practivally bent double with no balance or stable base to kick from. If you yank your arm in, the ura form applies, and the tenkan is too quick for you to get a kick in. I disagree with you completely that this would stand a chance of working. Not with me, anyway! ;-)
Umm, if you manage to complete the entry yes. It should. If you keep your arm in there is no shi-ho nage though omote or ura. Try it. Keep your elbow on your body and ask someone to do shi-hi nage on you.

Geoff Saulnier wrote:
I refer you to a previous answer, anyway, and say that you are very unlikely to have a competent aikidoka doing shiho nage to you in a realistic situation.
People tend to do exactly what they're trainned to do in the dojo. We have a saying in our dojo when a newbie asks what technique we'd do in a given situation: "It is as it falls".

Geoff Saulnier wrote:
Unlikely if the punch was committed, as your balance would be broken almost at the instant of contact. If the fist is snapped back (as it should be) and/or the punch is a faint and not committed, you either don't enter and maintain you ma ai, or you just enter much more deeply, getting to the safe position just behind the shoulder of the punching arm. The kick would have no extension or kime and would be harmless, leaving uke expose to some very nasty counters.
Well it wouldn't be shi-ho nage then would it? So there would be no need to counter shi-ho nage. Besides you're assuming uke throws a punch big enough to unbalance himself.
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