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Old 04-27-2005, 07:09 PM   #111
Dojo: Aikido of Central New York
Location: Cortland, NY
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,006
Re: Defending against Aikido

Didn't reall read this article before ( ), but I'ver backtracked to it and given it some thought.

Alex Lawrence wrote:
.... The same is true, if they hop/step back on balance during a technique and lash out with the other foot or use your energy to boot you. Shi-ho nage for example turns me so I can dump some more energy into that turning movement, pirouette on one foot and smash the other into Tori ....
I have to admit, I'm having a little trouble visualizing what you're talking about. But if Tori isn't wedded to the idea of finishing the technique as advertised and can abort and go with the flow, it may be risky.

In particular, if the kick you are using involves bending over, that is risky because Tori could think, "Oh, you're heading down for me? Thank you. Let me help you the rest of the way." Factor in that you have one foot on the ground instead of two, and you may -- I repeat, MAY -- hit the ground harder than you had planned.

Of course, you can delete that problem by keeping both feet planted and doing something like a spinning backfist, but if you spin too fast, you could end up with your back to nage while he's still facing you. This is the position some throws go for, usually by having nage move around uke. In this case, uke would HAND that position to nage on a silver platter! THUD.

Also bear in mind the position your arm is twisted into suring shiho-nage. For safety, I'm always being yelled at to keep it close to my uke's head so it doesn't unwind and wrip some muscles and tendons. If you unwind your own arm in the midst of your counter while nage is still hanging on, you could hurt yourself.

Just a few thoughts. Again, nage could be caught flat-footed and it would work, but maybe not. YMMV.
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