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Old 04-27-2005, 08:59 AM   #107
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 56
United Kingdom
Re: Defending against Aikido

Alex Lawrence wrote:
Once I nearly got caught doing it, as soon as my heel came off the ground though the class started wetting itself laughing so he knew something was up and I got full on evil eye. We keep score of who hits him you see, at the moment I'm well out in front with something like 6 or 7, including two bokken strikes. I mean if he pins me and says "Do you want to get up?" I take it as an open invitation to get up although probably not any more because he's figured out that wrenching my thumb out of it's joint stops me wanting to get up. He knows how hard I am to pin.
He's a bloody good sensei, has to be said. I've learned so much from him, I've never seen such dedication.
Mind you if I said I could boot him from shi-ho nage he'd probably be like "Oh OK then" and away we'd go, but then he'd know it was coming. Anyone else in the world from Doshu down OK fine I'll do it but not Sensei. Too much respect.

You are not on seven you little cheek! five is far more the score. (on 4 myself [2tsuki,1 hip throw, 1 B-E-A utifull bokken slice])

Anyhow- the point still stands that Aikidoka need to at least acknowledge the presence of a kick. True in that they are rare- true that nobody will ever train to defeat aikido and true that some techniques can be adapted.
However- if sensei turned round to me and said "Uchi-irimi sankyo, finishing up in sotokitenage" and proceeded to try and hit me with a Fencing sabre i would be completely clueless.
If the roundhouse is coming in and you have 1/2 second to react, what are you going to do?
-The submissions only work against the bones in the arm and cannot be "directly" converted on the fly- so rule those out.
-Shio Nage is never going to work as all Uke/ attacker would do is slam his foot down, killing the technique.
-Iriminage if you can bet behind Uke maybe... Maybe... actually that would work quite sweet...
-Tenchinage. Not a chance in hell am i walking into a roundhouse kick!
UchiKiten nage- Ummmmm. No. is not going to happen
Sotokitennage- Outside wrist turn... On a foot? Perhaps some butchered form would work.
Kotegaeshi- Alright that one is fairly good in a tight spot.
UdeKemonage- May well work
Jujinage- Impossible.
UdeGodeannage- I wouldn't risk it....

That is only my knowledge thus far. If anybody else knows otherwise feel free to rip me apart (in writing of course)

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