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Old 04-25-2005, 02:45 AM   #85
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 56
United Kingdom
Re: Defending against Aikido

Simply stating that lot's of other martial arts don't bother with them doesn't protect you from them. It's a big fat hairy deal until your knee pops from a round house
Too true. Such attacks do exist and they are far more deadly than punches. Simple anatomy- the leg is stronger then the arm...

For a martial art to not deal with these types of attacks is folly. Yes i would agree that aikido is a specialization- but that would suggest that you need another art to back it up.
I do not agree with this. Aikido would work fine- but unfortunately kicks and knee attacks were completely written out of aikido. In my opinion- this could have catastrophic consequences. Against punches no question, but aikido lacks the ability to deal with attacks using the lower half of the body.
I have never seen a kick in the dojo in 3 years of practice. On the other hand however, i have witnessed a few fights and kicks were well in play.

Earlier in the thread somebody stated "you are not likely to train to defeat aikido".
Very true- but if you are trained in karate, kick boxing or TKD, you will kick if the opportune moment arises.

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