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Old 04-22-2005, 01:52 AM   #77
Dojo: Roppongi Yoshinkan Aikido / Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 571
Re: Defending against Aikido

Bryan Bateman wrote:
When it comes to something else (randori, or "real" situation), I am not going to try and force the technique because that's the way we practice it in the dojo, because I get it in my head that I'm going to do ikkyo, or tenchinage. I am going to adapt my movement with uke until a technique happens. It probably won't resemble the dojo ikkyo or tenchinage, the important part is that I use the principles learned, just as Boon's sensei did.
Just a note that Boon must have used the principle's he's learned in the dojo, too or else he wouldn't be walking around. He'd be buried 12cm deep in that mat.

Way to survive, Boon...a touch of whiplash...good on ya!


Hiriki no yosei 3 - The kihon that makes your head ache instead of your legs
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