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Old 04-15-2005, 10:18 AM   #6
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Shioda, Tohei, and Ki Things

Ron Tisdale wrote:
I really like this book myself. In light of some of our recent conversations, I'll reread it again (I've got a plane ride comming up, so I should have some reading time).
Don't let those lips get tired or wear out the tip of that finger, Ron.

I really think there's a huge amount of useable information in that book and a lot of items about O-Sensei that are interesting, particularly for someone trying to get a good start on the art.... although of course the main criterion for good training is to have a good teacher who is willing to show you more than just techniques, choreography, and rituals.
You've mentioned several times that you would like to feel some of Shioda's top students. I'd like to extend an invitation again to come to Philadelphia...
Thanks, Ron. Maybe someday. I essentially want to feel their skill level in ki and kokyu and that won't take but a moment.

Shioda's skill is very good, but it is more in what I would call "kokyu" than the full "ki" skills. Tohei's stuff, from what I can see of it, includes some kokyu and some ki, although the useable kokyu things *that I've seen* don't appear to be as sophisticated as Shioda's that I could see on that video "Shingi Denju".

Also, although I appreciate Shioda's comments on timing in order to achieve power, I'd observe that it's very true that timing is tremendously important as an additive to your power, but the big-dog Chens from Chen Village can let you grab them around the chest with both arms and break your bones with a shake. When they release power even on a simple punch, they shake a whole house (now you see the fixation so many of us have with trying to figure out the training methods of Chen's Taiji). I.e., the point I'm making is that I'm very impressed with what Shioda can do, but I still look at all abilities of any person within the context of all martial arts that I've been able to practice or investigate. I think you'd enjoy meeting Wang Hai Jun (sort of a youngish man, not one of the big-dogs) the next time he comes to Philly. The levels of these particular ki skills we're talking about can be appreciated better if you get input from all available sources, IMO.


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