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Old 04-14-2005, 04:50 PM   #25
Dojo: Jiyushinkai
Location: The Colony, TX
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 14
Re: what does religion say about ki?

In one of the above posts - someone said something to the effect - that l a lot of martial artist achieve enlightenment. That's news to me. I don't believe that martial practice by itself is enough to reach enlightment. From what I've read, is that for most people who have reached enlightment, they basically all shared one commonly known practice. Not necessaritly martial practice. But all appear to have practiced a lot of 'meditation'. That to me is the real key to enlightment, not the martial practice. i don't believe that just a quick meditation at the beginning and end of practice are sufficient to achieve enlightment. But maybe continued practice of meditation, will.
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