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Old 06-29-2001, 01:12 PM   #22
Location: livingston, scotland
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 715
Well... I appreciate the question Jim, because it allows me to try and vocalise things I never consider much.
My opinion could only be, and it is only my opinion, Judo is more practical.
It has greater health benefits, as anyone will realise after ten minutes of groundwork. It starts physically, and then advances into an unreal world of 3 dimensional movement. However, judo can be practiced at the same time as aiki, because they both use the same principles, but differently. The main difference is that in judo, people do everything they can to stop you applying a technique. So when it works, you know it works. Unfortunately there is 'weak' judo as well as 'weak' aiki, or anything else.
There is only one school of judo, also.

I suppose that's enough from me, though.

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