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Old 07-22-2008, 08:01 AM   #7
John Brockington
Dojo: Retsushinkan/Birmingham, AL
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 65
Re: Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 8

Professor Goldsbury-

Last night I was reading some chapters in Sunadomari's book "Enlightenment through Aikido" and happened upon a brief but interesting sentence. He was discussing the definition of strength, describing how a famous Japanese wrestler was stabbed to death by a petty thief, and then mentions that while he was uchi-deshi in 1942, a well known aikidoka was also murdered in Japan. He then says that O Sensei was in Manchuria at the time and had to be informed by phone. What Ueshiba was doing in Manchuria, in 1942, one wonders. It was not likely peace-oriented. And, accordingly, his declaration and distinction of "aikido" versus the former aikijitsu terminology, in that same year, seems a bit incongruous. Are you aware of any such activity of Ueshiba's at that time?

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