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actoman 10-22-2005 10:32 AM

Did I foresee my own future?
Hey all, I have a very strange and weary thought for you

Back as in my late teens, wayyyy before I ever even thought about aikido and really had no idea what or why it was, I had dreams and actual fantasies about throwing people, training in samurai attire and really dominating a class of multiple attackers. Very broad visions I know, and corny to say the least, but they were certainly there, many times over.

I didnt start taking Aikido until my mid-twenties, so did I in fact foresee my own future> Or was it simply ingrained in me to actually seek it out and begin training?

Could it be I was seeing my future self in action at a time I was lost in the past without direction? Deep I know...please dont think Im crazy....thanks for your time :freaky:

Dirk Hanss 10-22-2005 01:14 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?

I know people, who firmly believe they sometimes see future incidents and I do not think they are ill or crazy at all.

Nevertheless I would think about movies, you might have seen and possibly mixed. In many kung fu movies there are movements that look like aikido. Even then you can see it as having seen your future or self fulfilling prophecy - not at all meant negative - as you are now starting to do, what you have dreamt of (and wished to).

It it was a single incident, you will never know if you really saw your future or if you made your fantasy real. If this happens more often, you might have these skills. Then you have to find out, how to deal with it. I do not know if I wished to have it.

In any case have much fun - and train hard to control multiple attackers

Kind regards Dirk

actoman 10-27-2005 04:52 AM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Nick Simpson 10-27-2005 06:35 AM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
I think your crazy.

Nah, just kidding, but I do admire you in honestly posting this. Good on ya mate :)

SeiserL 10-27-2005 08:02 AM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?

Andy Orwig wrote:
so did I in fact foresee my own future> Or was it simply ingrained in me to actually seek it out and begin training?

Carl Jung would say that we can all identify with certain universal archetypes such as the warrior.

Perhaps it was past-life memory creeping in. Been reported to happen.

While it is possible you foresaw your own future, its more probable that at a time of confusion (teen-age) you latched on to a strong wish-fulfilling persona, and than as a self-fulfilling prophecy you began to search to the roles in life that matched it. Its like a post hypnotic suggestion that can be very deep in confusion states.

How you got here is not nearly as important as what you do now that you are here. Train well.

James Davis 10-27-2005 11:03 AM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?

Lynn Seiser wrote:
How you got here is not nearly as important as what you do now that you are here. Train well.

Yup yup. :D I totally agree. When I was a kid, I wanted to jump around like a freakin' ninja turtle and destroy my enemies with flying kicks to their faces! I like the way I turned out a LOT better! :D

Train hard and improve yourself, on and off the mat. ;)

petermavrik 10-27-2005 12:17 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
Andy, I definitely don't think you're crazy. I'm right there with you, but for me it wasn't so much a visual thing when I was younger. I didn't actually "see" myself doing Aikido in my minds' eye, but I definitely had what I can only describe as "budo feelings" before I actually began training, which was only earlier this year. I'm 28, but I've been feeling this stuff as far back as I can remember.

I had no clue back then what those dreams / thoughts / feelings were. Actually, for the most part, I'm still sorting through that stuff. But when I train, there is a haunting familiarity that keeps pulling at my consciousness. I'm very new to Aikido, but it feels right for me. It's comfortable. It "fits".

I think that as we grow, physically and mentally, we're looking for those comfortable places for our mind, wherever they may be. So maybe you did see the future, or as others have mentioned, create your own future.

Either way, how fantastic is it that you are able to actually do it? Enjoy!

ganbatte kudasai

roosvelt 10-27-2005 02:17 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
You're good candidate for lucid dream.

Ronin22 10-27-2005 03:22 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
What's that saying.....
It's not the destination, it's the journey to get to the destination

Joshua Livingston 10-27-2005 04:09 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
Perhaps the answer is too much booze and Toshiro Mifune movies no?


Either way as they say keep at it!


Anders Bjonback 10-27-2005 04:26 PM

Re: Did I foresee my own future?
I knew from first hearing about aikido that I'd want to do it, and three years later, in college, I started it and love it, even though my training is erratic. I knew I wanted to do tea ceremony from first hearing about it, and it has been a very important practice to me for the past two or so years. And I also wanted to become a priest when I was a kid, when I became Buddhist I had the thought of becoming a monk, and soon after college, I'm going to look into becoming a monk, at least staying in a monastery for a couple of years to see what it's like. Most of my interests and things that are important to me, manifested themselves to me in my imagination before I got involved with them, and I somehow knew that I'd love doing them. I think it can just be from having a sense of who you are, and I think that your subconscious can tell you things about yourself that may manifest later on in your life.

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