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Jorge Garcia 05-29-2005 08:55 PM

Hombu Dojo grading list in Japanese?
Can anyone direct me to a link that has the Aikikai Hombu dojo grading (technique) list of it's exams in Japanese?

Mashu 05-29-2005 09:16 PM

Re: Hombu Dojo grading list in Japanese?

aikidoc 05-30-2005 06:09 AM

Re: Hombu Dojo grading list in Japanese?
Is there an English version?

Stefan Stenudd 05-30-2005 07:27 AM

In English

John Riggs wrote:
Is there an English version?

I could not find one on the Hombu website, so I put a GIF of the old Hombu sheet I have, on my website:

I can't tell you for certain that it is still correct, but I think so.

Nick P. 05-30-2005 07:47 AM

Re: In English

Stefan Stenudd wrote:
I could not find one on the Hombu website, so I put a GIF of the old Hombu sheet I have, on my website:

I can't tell you for certain that it is still correct, but I think so.

This is the exact same one we use; it is, to my knowledge, correct.

Jorge Garcia 05-30-2005 10:20 AM

Re: Hombu Dojo grading list in Japanese?
I have that exact same copy in English as well. It was given to me by my teacher, Hiroshi Kato sensei. Last year, when he was here in Houston doing testing, he asked to see the Hombu Dojo sheet in Japanese but we didn't have one so I thought to ask so as to be ready this time.The link Matthew gave above appears to be from the Japanese side of the Aikikai homepage. I didn't know they had that there.
By the way, for anyone in shooting distance of Houston, we are having our Seminar with Kato Sensei starting this Saturday. We are also sponsoring an Aikido Demonstration with instructors form all styles from around the State. This is a big job to do twice a year and it scares me to think how much is still left to be finalized. I hope to see some of you there.
Best wishes,

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