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AikiWeb System 10-27-2004 03:08 PM

Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
Discuss the article, "A Basic Weapons Bag" by "The Mirror" here.

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Janet Rosen 11-03-2004 02:33 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
I just want to let folks know that if anybody starts working on one and gets stuck partway, feel free to holler here on this forum for assistance/clarification.

Kent Enfield 11-03-2004 05:23 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
I have one question. What are you doing that you need to wash your weapons bag?

Dan Gould 11-04-2004 05:13 AM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
My mother made me a bokken bag a few months back, but it's about an inch too short :-p so I have my hanbo in it instead, now, coz the bokkens don't quit fit :-(

ChristianBoddum 11-04-2004 05:40 AM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
Hi !
I want to share a tip with you all !
Music stores sell bags for speaker stands that will fit both jo´s and bokkens ,
they have shoulder straps and have plenty of room.
Also they are very moderately priced ,in Denmark they are about 33$ -
worth checking out.

yours - Chr.B.

Janet Rosen 11-04-2004 12:39 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"

Kent Enfield wrote:
I have one question. What are you doing that you need to wash your weapons bag?

Many folks toss them in and out of car trunks. Some folks need to carry them in bad weather. Life happens: Here is something from one of my customers:
"An amazing thing happened on the way to the dojo last Thursday....half-way through a heavy rain shower my vehicle decided to hydro-plane. It (and myself, I had been reduced to passenger status by this time) spun nose into the median concrete divider, flip on roof, slide down highway 20 - 30', flip back on wheels and just sit there. (Later, when I was requested to move it to the side I just put the key, started it up and drove it to the side. It was a Suzuki Samurai, so of course it was tough.) Weapons bag and myself came through well. Outside of blow to dignity, all emerged unscathed. After a washing, bag remains as stylish as ever. (It must be about a year old now.) "

Janet Rosen 11-04-2004 12:42 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"

Christian Boddum wrote:
Music stores sell bags for speaker stands that will fit both jo´s and bokkens ,

I'm also told that, for folks who need to check weapons in as airplane baggage, the best/cheapest thing is to go to a hardware store and get a length of ...dang I forget the name, that lighweight rigid plastic piping...and just tape the ends securely.

emi_moes 03-04-2006 08:42 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"

Janet Rosen wrote:
lighweight rigid plastic piping

I believe you're refering to PVC?

reisler 02-29-2008 08:50 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
I just made a bag and it turned out great!!
I used some windbreaker type material so it should be really durable. Thanks for posting the instructions.

Janet Rosen 03-03-2008 07:56 PM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
Hi, Roberta. Congrats on your new homemade bag!!! May it serve you well for many years.

Tony Levi 03-08-2008 10:04 AM

Re: Article: A Basic Weapons Bag by "The Mirror"
hmm unfortunately my "experiments" with crafting usually lead to disasters :disgust:
*trying to find a way convincing my wife to pick up the sewing kit* :D

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