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kiseeker 02-21-2001 12:48 PM


Has anyone been able to find a good resource on making Jo and Bokken weapons? I've found a document on, but it really didn't have schematics for making the bokken.
I would like to use something with more detailed instructions.


akiy 02-21-2001 12:55 PM

Hi kiseeker,

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-- Jun

Jappzz 02-22-2001 01:39 AM


If your really that into crafting your own weapons i suppose that you already have weapons of some sort. Scince the curvature of the bokken is the only real difficulty it couldn't be that hard to do some measuring on your old weapons. It could get a bit hairy though if you have your mind set to having a nice kissaki on the bokken. You would want to measure the curvature relative to a imaginary, straight line from the point of the kissaki back to where tsuka bonds whith the mune. Then calculate the angle of the center axis of the tsuka in accordance to "the straight line". But still, how expensive is a ordinary set of weapons if you really think about it? ;-)


ian 02-22-2001 10:17 AM

you could always do it Musashi style, and carve it out of an oar.


sceptoor 02-22-2001 11:15 PM


Jappzz wrote:

If your really that into crafting your own weapons i suppose that you already have weapons of some sort. Scince the curvature of the bokken is the only real difficulty it couldn't be that hard to do some measuring on your old weapons. It could get a bit hairy though if you have your mind set to having a nice kissaki on the bokken. You would want to measure the curvature relative to a imaginary, straight line from the point of the kissaki back to where tsuka bonds whith the mune. Then calculate the angle of the center axis of the tsuka in accordance to "the straight line". But still, how expensive is a ordinary set of weapons if you really think about it? ;-)

The front page has a link here explaining a little on curvature schematics. ;)

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