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Paula Lydon 11-10-2003 03:40 PM

injuries and contemplation
Hi All!

~~I've had various injuries in my MA career and got to thinking about what each of them has taught or got me contemplating. Wondering what other's stories might be.

~~Broken tailbone in tae kwon do. Much pain and had to sit on a rubber donut for 3 months. Really started to examine how important spacial awarness and practical distances were.

~~Nose broken twice: GET OFF LINE! KEEP HANDS UP!

~~Broken cheek in a reaction circle (randori) in jujitsu. Frightened small children for a while and burned into my brain to never underestimate or trust in someone else's level of control. And again, keep hands up.

~~Separated right shoulder in aikido from practicing extreme ukemi...just to see. Learned that when accomplished it's fine to say that's good and not go for that 12th dive out when you'd done 11 great. Gee, I do have limits.

I know I'm not the only who learns the hard way some times. C'mon, fess up...;)

Amassus 11-10-2003 03:59 PM

I'm going to condemn myself my saying this but...

I have yet to suffer that level of injury, my time will come I"m sure. Everytime I go to a training session I expect my turn to come around!

Janet Rosen 11-10-2003 04:07 PM

Let's see....chronologically...

1. minor shoulder separation at 6 months training, when all the kyu ranks at summer camp were told to do forward rolls across the mat and back. Lesson: don't follow the herd if you aren't ready.

2. blowing out the knee, part one; torn acl trying to do aikiotoshi during a fairly slow controlled multiple attacker practice. Lessons: one, don't let feet get rooted; two, don't let upper and lower body separate; three, don't get fancy.

3. completing the damage of 2. a yr later when a visitor during a seminar did an opening move that took my balance much harder than necessary for a small person like me, driving me onto the knee while wearing a brace that was not meant to bend/bear wt that way. Lessons: one, avoid seminars that attract people who get adrenalined up; two, always always show your brace to every single new partner and explain your limitations.

sanosuke 11-10-2003 06:53 PM

my god, Paula! i respect your dedication to martial arts after all those injuries. tell you the truth i would be quitting martial arts now if i suffer what you suffer.

anyway, got my own story too, the major blow is my anterior cruciate ligament torn during taekwondo, haven't cured ever since. lesson learned: your feet supposed to be on earth, then let them stay. don't raise 'em, especially high one, with jumping some more....

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