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Jaime G 10-17-2013 09:11 AM

Internal Training for Aikido Weapons
I'm deeply interested in internal exercises for weapons. Is there any from dan harden, akuzawa...useful por developing aiki in weapons?

Budd 10-17-2013 09:27 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?

Jaime Girona wrote: (Post 331055)
I'm deeply interested in internal exercises for weapons. Is there any from dan harden, akuzawa...useful por developing aiki in weapons?

Doing basic suburi is one of the most useful training exercises for internal strength as it covers the basic open/closing of the body, bringing ground strength up, gravity strength down, dantian controlling the jin through the connected frame IF you understand the root components well enough to train them individually and together in the context of the shape - but the weight and length of the sword/bokuto are excellent training tools to provide an appropriate amount of resistance for training purposes while also providing the physical context to practice sending the ki/qi out through something you're attached to.

Jaime G 10-17-2013 10:19 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?

Budd Yuhasz wrote: (Post 331058)
Doing basic suburi is one of the most useful training exercises for internal strength as it covers the basic open/closing of the body, bringing ground strength up, gravity strength down, dantian controlling the jin through the connected frame IF you understand the root components well enough to train them individually and together in the context of the shape - but the weight and length of the sword/bokuto are excellent training tools to provide an appropriate amount of resistance for training purposes while also providing the physical context to practice sending the ki/qi out through something you're attached to.

I'm not sure. A lot of people do suburi, but they dont have internal strenght. Is there something like six directions, silk reeling in suburi?

Ellis Amdur 10-17-2013 10:35 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?
Absolutely. You just have to train with the correct technique.

Gary David 10-17-2013 11:03 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?

Ellis Amdur wrote: (Post 331063)
Absolutely. You just have to train with the correct technique.

What Ellis says. You need someone to show/demonstrate/teach hands on how to incorporate this into your suburi or aiki taiso.


Budd 10-17-2013 11:25 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?

Jaime Girona wrote: (Post 331062)
I'm not sure. A lot of people do suburi, but they dont have internal strenght. Is there something like six directions, silk reeling in suburi?

Hence why I said IF you understand the based components it's a great exercise to train those things together. If you don't understand the base components of jin, connection, dantien, etc. - no weapon or hand art is going to make you develop them all together in a cohesive manner.

Jaime G 10-17-2013 01:04 PM

Re: Internal Training for Aikdo Weapons
And how would you describe an IHTBF in weapons ? :)

Keith Larman 10-17-2013 01:06 PM

Re: Internal Training for Aikdo Weapons
Well, the way I'd explain the concept is that once you work on various exercises and start developing the feelings inside your body, the application to weapons becomes rather self-evident. The hard part is learning those exercises which generally means spending time with someone who can guide and help you along.

Otherwise... Shrug. Can't help.

Dazzler 10-18-2013 06:44 AM

Re: "IP/IT/IS" vs technique?

Jaime Girona wrote: (Post 331062)
I'm not sure. A lot of people do suburi, but they dont have internal strenght. Is there something like six directions, silk reeling in suburi?

For me, some of the specifics are in Budds replies already.

Opening & closing.

6 directions would always be a constant whether doing weapons or not.

I don't see Bowing excercise mentioned...arguably its covered by open/close anyway.

But unless you have some reference points'll just be doing same old suburi ...what Keith said really.

I guess your next move could be to mine in on the specifics of opening & closing and bowing ....if you can find out more on these then that will help.

Maybe someone a bit more eloquent ....and willing.......... than me will provide some descriptions although they are probably here in abundance in some of the historic posts.



phitruong 10-22-2013 08:19 AM

Re: Internal Training for Aikido Weapons
before go into weapons, the main question would be, how much have you done in regard to IP/aiki empty handed? and how long? until you have developed enough of IP/aiki into your body, looking at weapon stuffs might mess up the training progression. one of the major danger with IP/aiki training is "too much, too soon". folks get too excited and they end up doing too many things at the same time. been there, done that. my unsolicited advice is to pick one or two things to work on for a year or two, then move on to the next one or two. it's one of those thing where you want to do "one thing well vs 1000 things mediocre".

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