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jason jordan 09-02-2009 09:46 AM

New Steven Seagal TV Series - Lawman
I normally don't start threads but is this serious?

This may be his best movie yet.......?

sammywhip 09-02-2009 10:07 AM

Re: New Steven Segal Movie
Steven! Steven! Haha, good stuff.

Dennis Hooker 09-02-2009 11:42 AM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
When this hits TV expect calls to the dojo to jump. I am glad they don't let me answere the phone anymore.

macamboy 09-02-2009 12:07 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
Looks pretty serious to me.

I quite like Seagal's movies, but he come's across as a bit of a prat when I've seen him interviewed.

Looks entertaining if nothing else. :)

Michael Hackett 09-02-2009 01:15 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
I recall reading in one of my professional journals a few years ago that Seagal Sensei is indeed a reserve peace officer in that parish and is certified as a reserve patrol officer. Shaquille O'Neill was, or perhaps still is, a reserve deputy sheriff in two different counties in two states. While I still enjoy watching "Cops" now and again so I can yell at the screen, most of these police-based reality shows leave me cold. Now that I think about it, most reality shows leave me cold. This one should be little different, but it probably will generate some interest in Aikido.

Trish Greene 09-02-2009 01:22 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
This might be a disrespectful statement but over the years Seagal has started to look more and more like Elvis

(Sorry! With all due respect to his talents and skills...)

SmilingNage 09-02-2009 01:25 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
The new catch phrase for the Elvisesque Seagal could be " Sankyo,.. Sankyo very much."

Trish Greene 09-02-2009 01:28 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

William Oakes wrote: (Post 239697)
The new catch phrase for the Elvisesque Seagal could be " Sankyo,.. Sankyo very much."

Oh my gosh, that just made me laugh out loud while I was on a conference call.. how do you explain this to the group??

ninjaqutie 09-02-2009 01:29 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
HAH! You should copyright that! :)

ninjaqutie 09-02-2009 01:34 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
This may warrant at least one episode for me.... not sure if I would watch any others after that though

Steven 09-02-2009 02:01 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

Suru 09-02-2009 02:47 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
I think this will be great! Even though I've never met the man, this seems like something he would enjoy, as a bigger challenge than screenplays. There are approximately 6.02 x 10^24 TV series on these days. I only watched maybe 10 episodes of House, and many of The Office, but I might really enjoy this, especially if I see some Aikido. As was mentioned above, there may be some new Aikidoka because of this, surpassing those motivated by his untouchable guitar collection, songwriting, and movies. Thanks for making me aware of this.


Mark Freeman 09-02-2009 03:11 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

Trish Greene wrote: (Post 239696)
This might be a disrespectful statement but over the years Seagal has started to look more and more like Elvis

(Sorry! With all due respect to his talents and skills...)

To who, Segal or Elvis?:D

ramenboy 09-02-2009 03:21 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
hmmmm i don't know.... anyone remember the celebrity cop show 'armed and famous' from a little while back? erik estrada, latyoa jackson, that short guy from 'jackass' and a couple others.... went through training and then went on patrol. entertainng, yeah kinda, but made you worry about the PD....

gdandscompserv 09-02-2009 03:23 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
I can't wait!:D

ramenboy 09-02-2009 03:36 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

Drew Gardner wrote: (Post 239713)
...There are approximately 6.02 x 10^24 TV series on these days...

hahaha drew, i haven't seen the avogadro number in years!!!!!

but isn't it 6.02 x 1023 ? :P

Walter Martindale 09-02-2009 04:54 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

William Oakes wrote: (Post 239697)
The new catch phrase for the Elvisesque Seagal could be " Sankyo,.. Sankyo very much."

only slightly OT:
Q: What grade are you?

A: Sankyu.

Q: Oh. You're welcome.. but what grade are you?


George S. Ledyard 09-02-2009 05:43 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
Personally, I'd like to see Segal Sensei paired with Dog Bounty Hunter as a "Reality" TV Show... from a marketing standpoint that would bring in just the right kind of student...

crbateman 09-02-2009 06:11 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
Shame on you, George... ;) :D

Fred Little 09-02-2009 06:14 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
To be fair, the full title of the series is:

Steven Seagal: Lawman -- Out for Donuts!

David Orange 09-02-2009 06:27 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

George S. Ledyard wrote: (Post 239735)
Personally, I'd like to see Segal Sensei paired with Dog Bounty Hunter as a "Reality" TV Show... from a marketing standpoint that would bring in just the right kind of student...

It should be really interesting to see this show. You can see that he's acting to some substantial degree for this, but he's supposed to really be a deputy. So we'll see how he would really treat a suspect--at least with he cameras on. Any little thing he did wrong could lead to lawsuits against the Parish and insurance problems too, so it seems he'll likely be a very different kind of cop than what he portrays on the screen.

Of course that one moment when he stares into the camera with that classic movie poster pose and face makes you wonder.

You should be able to provide a lot of insight into his police procedures, I would think.

So I'll be interested in seeing how he does things. Maybe it will be good for aikido, but I don't really expect that he would be getting into too much serious stuff for the above reasons.

I wish him good luck with the series and staying safe on the streets.

And the same to all.


Rob Watson 09-02-2009 06:51 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

George S. Ledyard wrote: (Post 239735)
Personally, I'd like to see Segal Sensei paired with Dog Bounty Hunter as a "Reality" TV Show... from a marketing standpoint that would bring in just the right kind of student...

Maybe SS can get together with Flavor Flav and thow down some beats! Yeeeah booy! Fight the power!

lbb 09-02-2009 07:21 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
The really awful thing is, I have a friend who is probably going to make me watch this with her (I'm not kidding, I crash on her living room couch frequently..the only way to get away from it is to pull a pillow over my head...she made me watch damnear the entire Ultimate Warrior series).

I agree with what David said: I doubt we'll be seeing any fight scenes here, aikido or otherwise.

crbateman 09-02-2009 07:27 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman

Mary Malmros wrote: (Post 239743)
...she made me watch damnear the entire Ultimate Warrior series.

What size straitjacket do you take? :p

jason jordan 09-02-2009 09:47 PM

Re: New Steven Segal TV Series - Lawman
I' m not going to be excited until I see some actual waza going on.
If they show him teaching I will be good with that, but you know these movie types....Bait you in with what he's known for, and then for the rest of the series you are looking for Aikido and there is none.

I hope Im wrong....But then on the other hand, at least it won't be another SS movie with bad vocal overdubs.

And I agree with G. Ledyard I think that would be a great combination...SS and Dog the bounty hunter....Wow backwards!

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