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Erik Jögimar 08-21-2009 03:17 AM

I've found myself walking home from practice directly afterwards without changing to my regular clothes.

How many here takes a walk back home / to practice in their keikogi?


Ron Tisdale 08-21-2009 06:45 AM

Re: Keikogi
When I was in college I did.

Seems to be a Lightning Rod though. At least in the States. Come to think of it, in Nairobi too...nah, I don't see the point. To easy to change.


Takahama 08-21-2009 07:15 AM

Re: Keikogi

Erik Jögimar wrote: (Post 238409)
I've found myself walking home from practice directly afterwards without changing to my regular clothes.

How many here takes a walk back home / to practice in their keikogi?


Yep. I had an apartment so close to the dojo that it was just a simple matter of crossing the road every morning.

I enjoyed that for nine years but last year I moved away a bit and it's now a 30 minute motorbike commute. I haven't tried that with just the dogi on. Yet.

John A Butz 08-21-2009 09:59 AM

Re: Keikogi
In my opinion, walking around in a keikogi is not a good idea. In the worst case scenario, it could be seen as a challenge by some people, and could lead to an un-needed confrontation. In the best case scenario, you look like a guy walking around in a silly set of sweaty workout clothes.

I always change before and after practice.

lbb 08-21-2009 11:50 AM

Re: Keikogi
If I lived next door to the dojo, I might quickly dash home in a gi, but otherwise I don't think I would.

ninjaqutie 08-21-2009 04:55 PM

Re: Keikogi
I change at the dojo. Technically though, I walk outside from the changing room to the dojo itself as only sensei and sempais are allowed to use the door from inside to get to the dojo. The rest of us walk around to the front of the building.

Rob Watson 08-21-2009 05:47 PM

Re: Keikogi
At the first dojo I trained there was changing rooms and showers so changing was the order of the day. About 30% of the folks showered but we were encouraged to 'move along' quickly.

Now (different dojo) the changing rooms have no shwoer. There is a shower in one of the restrooms but not many actually use the shower (I can't recall anyone in the last 5+ years). Not too seemly to wander about with a towel, etc ...

I asked sempai about walking around in keikogi and he said he also wears hakama - even to the local store, etc ! Something about free advertising for the dojo etc.

Personally, I just hop into my car and drive to/from dojo with keikogi on. I sweat too much to just change clothes without first showering ... Easier to change car seat covers regularly.

Anybody that feels 'challenged' by seeing me wander about in keikogi (and typically an arm full of weapons) has got problems way beyond my attire. Since the dojo has been in the same place since the 1950's the neighbors are used to all manner of such sights and are quite friendly.

Lyle Laizure 08-22-2009 01:07 PM

Re: Keikogi

Robert M Watson Jr wrote: (Post 238460)
Anybody that feels 'challenged' by seeing me wander about in keikogi (and typically an arm full of weapons) has got problems way beyond my attire. Since the dojo has been in the same place since the 1950's the neighbors are used to all manner of such sights and are quite friendly.

I agree with this. When I first started Aikido we (the majority of the class) would go to a McDonald's after practice for a bite to eat and something to drink in our gi. We never had a problem, though an individual is likely to bring more unwanted attention than a group dressed the same.

Janet Rosen 08-22-2009 02:28 PM

Re: Keikogi
Living in a small town, if I am going from home to dojo and back home (as I generally do) I drive in my keikogi as its much more comfie to change at home and parking is never a problem as it was in the big city!

ninjaqutie 08-22-2009 02:44 PM

Re: Keikogi

Lyle Laizure wrote: (Post 238522)
When I first started Aikido we (the majority of the class) would go to a McDonald's after practice for a bite to eat and something to drink in our gi.

Ah... nothing like burning calories to put them back on. It's SO yummy though! :D I have been craving one of their bacon, egg & cheese bagels for breakfast for like 4 months now.... HAHA.

crbateman 08-23-2009 05:51 AM

Re: Keikogi
Change is good... ;)

But, I've been in phone booths that were bigger than the typical dojo changing room, so I can understand why some just opt to change at home. That, and putting fresh clothes on a sweaty body seems like a waste.

ninjaqutie 08-23-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Keikogi
I think it also depends on the dojo rules. In my last style, you were not allowed to wear your gi or belt in public unless it was a demo. You could wear your pants to the dojo, but you had to put your top and belt on once you were inside. If you walked out of the dojo in your belt, you got in BIG trouble. It was a huge change for me to go to another dojo where you can walk outside and it is no big deal. Just yesterday I was outside looking at one of my sempais dogs. He was out there in his gi and black belt, me in my gi and white belt. I felt so awkward!

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