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rob_liberti 03-26-2009 10:08 AM

"Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
" Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido"
A private workshop for teachers only with Dan Harden
Date: Tentative --summer 2009
Location: Massachusetts (several locations in central Mass are being considered and will be finalized by mid April).

This seminar is a continuation of the workshops already taking place at Dan's Dojo with advance level aikido students and teachers from New England. This will be the first time Dan is making his research into the Japanese arts and the resultant training practices of his private dojo available on a national level. He is reserving his first national event as an opportunity for teachers to begin training privately. The goal is to offer a workshop for professionals in a neutral environment, with an emphasis on learning and understanding internal power and aiki in a global sense, while undertaking the difficult task of taking that first step into personal training and integration of the concepts into your own art.

The work shop will cover introductory basics of the system Dan has developed and used successfully with hundreds of students and teachers from a wide range of martial arts. Dan will outline the training in such a way as to make the relevancy to martial movement immediate, clear and accessible. Included will be:
• A presentation of how the martial arts take advantage of natural and common postural failures and methods for building a bujutsu body that moves antithetical to the "principles" most martial arts use as their foundation for defeating the common body frame.
• How the trained body can begin to take care of itself automatically while delivery non-dedicated force to create openings in a live environment.
• An emphasis on specific training tools (solo and paired) to develop internal power, and specifically how it relates to aiki connections in a martial context.
• Creating and maintaining a structure supported on all sides and how to strengthen it with breath training exercises.
Study guides and teaching materials will be provided to participants for further study at home The material covered; while benefiting aikido greatly will not be "specific" to just the aiki arts like Aikido and Daito ryu, but any grappling or striking art, so teachers from other disciplines are welcome.

This will be a closed seminar with no pictures, video, or visitors allowed. Participants are required to fill out an application (available by e-mailing Dan @ ) for further details and to be considered for a spot. People may or may not be accepted by Dan's sole discretion.
Seminar fee is $180.00 for both days (no partial attendance or single days) and will include fresh fruit and beverages during training. Local hotel discounts will be offered.
Teachers who have practiced under Akuzawa, Mike Sigman or Dan in the past and wish to attend will be offered a discount.
Dan will be available for private lessons on Monday for those interested.

*This will be the first of three seminars Dan will be hosting this year. Others will be offered that are not reserved for teachers.

thisisnotreal 03-26-2009 11:02 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar
This is unbelievable.


This is gonna get innnerestin'....

gdandscompserv 03-26-2009 11:43 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar
Go Dan!
I'll stay tuned for the beginner level seminars.

rob_liberti 03-26-2009 05:22 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar
Can the title of this be changed to have "with Dan Harden" added to it?

DH 03-26-2009 05:24 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar
Seminar with Dan Harden-"Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido"
If I have a choice:)

Mark Jakabcsin 03-27-2009 06:27 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
Great idea. I am sure it will be a blast and eye opening. Best of luck.

Take care,

Mark J.

phitruong 03-27-2009 08:13 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
why go for teachers? those folks don't need no internal stuffs other than a good dimsum buffet? besides, they have been trained with lots of bad habits, and would take too long to de-program, if even at all possible. :)

now us beginners on the hand, whichever other hand, have not accumulated bad habits so it would be easier for us. so for us nobs we can stuff internal stuffs in, whereas, teachers have to stuff the internal stuffs out. i think i just confused meself. :D

phitruong 03-27-2009 08:44 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
forgot to ask, will there be "internal training for dummies" seminar? I would like to sign up for that. I am sure Ricky would want that as well. :D

gdandscompserv 03-27-2009 10:01 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Phi Truong wrote: (Post 227261)
forgot to ask, will there be "internal training for dummies" seminar? I would like to sign up for that. I am sure Ricky would want that as well. :D

YES! That is exactly what I'm looking for.
"internal training for dummies"

DH 03-27-2009 10:23 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
I am going to do another seminar shortly. Please don't use phrases like dummies. I see no difference between students or teachers who are learning unfamiliar material, or tuning material they already know or what have you.
The only difference in teaching teachers is that they are in a position to effect change in a greater capacity. As a business or information dissemination model, it makes perfect sense. Reach a greater number of people to effect change.
Teachers can return to their dojos and start "practicing the material" as part of regular dojo time at their discretion. It has been my experience that these people return and openly tell their students they are "working on some new stuff" and also tell them with who. Again from my experience it has been a rather open discussion.
So I would ask you-what are your goals?
Lets review the posts on aikiweb. Students have been writing in here for a few years now talking about the frustrations of not being able to practice this new training when they wanted to. Some even quit or took a break from Aikido to get this.
"Fair enough." I said.
How about if I can help fix that?
How about teaching the teachers who control those classes. Could I get them interested enough, so that students could actually train aiki in an aikido dojo? Well, I have been quietly testing that out for a few years now. I took a chance that really might have blown up in my face. We could be talking about some real negative experiences here couldn't we?
Good news
It is working out rather well. The teachers love it-many of whom have been searching for this kind of material most of their careers and not getting it. The students are enjoying the fact that there teachers are letting them practice it and I can say I helped.
Hey, I'm just trying to do the best I can manage with time allowed.
I can't wait to meet some of the guys who have been writing me. I think we will have a great time sweating together and raising a few later.

Thomas Campbell 03-29-2009 09:31 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar

Dan Harden wrote: (Post 227213)
Seminar with Dan Harden-"Internal training, Aiki, empowering Aikido, and Kaboodle pizza "
If I have a choice:)

Fixed. :)

George S. Ledyard 03-30-2009 12:20 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Phi Truong wrote: (Post 227260)
now us beginners on the hand, whichever other hand, have not accumulated bad habits so it would be easier for us. so for us nobs we can stuff internal stuffs in, whereas, teachers have to stuff the internal stuffs out. i think i just confused meself. :D

Don't worry Phi, you have enough bad habits to qualify as an instructor....

MM 03-30-2009 08:25 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
For what it's worth ...

Of the people training with Dan, I think I'm the only one doing it long distance. With that in mind, if anyone has any questions about long distance training in regards to what Dan's teaching, you are more than welcome to ask me about my experiences. I don't log into Aikiweb very often anymore, so it's best to send an email to "markmurray" at "". Remove the quotes. :)


DH 03-30-2009 12:29 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

William Hazen wrote: (Post 227458)
Well I get the what and why of what you're trying to do Mr Hardin just perfectly... and I am going to do my best to get there (unemployed and broke or not)...

I would love to share my experiance of it with all the West Coast Shoji Nishio Adherents and since I feel it will make our Aikido better for having been exposed to it perhaps it will lead to bigger and better things in the future like getting one of your senior students or you out here someday. :)

William Hazen

When did I become "Mr. Harden" to you!!:o
Well the economy is affecting my business worse than I have seen in my adult life. If it keeps going this bad I might have time to make it there myself this year!! After watching Nishio's movement for years...particulalry for things he is noted for...yes I think that might prove to be interesting for both.
I hope to offer you some interesting perspectives if you can make it here as well. Then what is sure to prove to be interesting discussions after.

DH 04-06-2009 09:14 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
I am narrowing in on dates. It appears July may be out. There are too many conflicts with everyone's schedules and some just cannot swing it. Jun and Aug are still open. For those who have not sent in their available weekends yet please do so soon. We are trying to settle on a date by mid April.

It might be worth noting that the on-going work here with aikido teachers who run and manage active dojo's is an on-going collaborative specifically addressing incorporating this training into relevant martial movement within their aikido. To which they are reporting demonstrable improvement; both publicly and behind the scenes with their own students and fellow teachers in the art. Which according to the responses I am receiving- was more widely known than I had realized!
I am going to cap this at 20 people in order to get more hands-on work done.

gdandscompserv 04-06-2009 12:59 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Dan Harden wrote: (Post 227459)
When did I become "Mr. Harden" to you!!:o
Well the economy is affecting my business worse than I have seen in my adult life. If it keeps going this bad I might have time to make it there myself this year!! After watching Nishio's movement for years...particulalry for things he is noted for...yes I think that might prove to be interesting for both.
I hope to offer you some interesting perspectives if you can make it here as well. Then what is sure to prove to be interesting discussions after.

So there is a silver lining after all. Sorry about your business Dan, but if it gets you out here to Southern California, what can I say?:D

DH 04-17-2009 08:27 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
I have only three spots left. If you're are interested- now is the time. This filled up much faster than I ever expected.

After reviewing the schedules sent in, I am narrowing it down to the last two weekends in Jun or the first two weekends in August. This helps the majority of those interested.
I am finalizing the date by 4/22/09.
See you there

dbotari 04-27-2009 02:17 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Any update on the final date? Will you post the date here or only contact the attendees with the information?

Dan Botari

DH 04-28-2009 07:39 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Dan Botari wrote: (Post 229068)

Any update on the final date? Will you post the date here or only contact the attendees with the information?

Dan Botari

Hello Dan
I lost internet and Cable for a while there. I'm back up and sending replies. It looks like we are narrowing down to the first two weekends in August.
I will post it here and contact everyone by email this week.
There are a still a few spots left and thats going to be it.

David Orange 04-28-2009 08:58 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Dan Harden wrote: (Post 229097)
Hello Dan
I lost internet and Cable for a while there. I'm back up and sending replies. It looks like we are narrowing down to the first two weekends in August.
I will post it here and contact everyone by email this week.
There are a still a few spots left and thats going to be it.

Oh, I want to be in that number!

Looking forward to it!


dbotari 04-28-2009 10:20 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden

Thanks for the update. I look forward to hearing more.


DH 05-08-2009 08:58 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
I am pleased to announce we have finalized the event date and site. I did my best to accomodate the teachers busy schedules. I realize some won't be able to make it but it seems the best for the majority.
The event will take place on August 1st -2nd
It will take place at the
Sturbridge Host
Hotel & Conference Center on Cedar Lake

Link Here
This is a lovely lodge style conference center with lake-front and indoor and outdoor amenities. It is almost across the street from old Sturbridge Village; One of the country's largest living history museums, and a national landmark preservation site
Link Here
Discount room rates are available for $109 dollars (doube occupancy), but there are many cheap digs in the area from $50 and up. All within a mile or so away.
Link Here

Sat, 9 to 12
Lunch 12 - 2p.m.
Afternoon session 2:30 to 6 p.m
Same for Sunday

There has been much discussion about the exhaustion level and concern for knees and such. My approach is mentally and physically exhausting but anyone can do it and when and IF someone gets a little tired, nothing is missed by sitting out and listening and taking notes. The goal is to provide a training platform, materials and an overall understanding of basics to take home and work on with your students.
Many of the local teachers have asked to attend as well. So those new to the work will get to talk with, feel and brain storm with their peers from 4th to 6th dan in Aikido (and other arts as well) and how they are incorporating thsi training back into their aikido.
That said we have quite a bit of fun with much laughter at our get togethers while getting a lot of work done. It is my goal to have people walk away with a clear view of the material, its purpose and goals in solo training, and a clear understanding of its use in live and very martially effective, platform ot empower their Aikido.

With the nature of some of the recent discussions here I think it will be enlightening to be face to face with 5 and 6th dan teachers with decades of experience with the top shihan in the world and hear THEIR opnions on just how relevant this training is to Aikido. Then hear them clearly state why they believe thiis IS aikido and more's the point, the best power they have felt.

Due to the local teachers offering to help -and me finding a larger space-I have extended registration and will hold a few more spaces open. I will be sending out PDF registration forms and payment requirements all weekend.
Hope to see you there

Kevin Leavitt 05-09-2009 03:48 AM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
Dan, if I can make it I will try and come. I cannot predict my schedule out that far yet.

DH 05-11-2009 01:21 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
I was delayed in sending the registration information due to a small glich on the Hotel/ conference center side. The resolution has worked out well for us in the long run.
We are on for August 1 and 2nd and we have a large air-conditioned space overlooking Cedar lake, fresh sliced fruit, with an attached tavern and full bar at night and hotel rooms for $109 double occupancy. with swimming, boating, Sturbridge village and some good budo people.
They are offering us a catered dinner at deeply discounted rates right on the conference center grounds. I will contact people privately and see if there is a consensus for that
Stay tuned

I will begin emailing tonight.

Aikibu 05-11-2009 02:17 PM

Re: "Internal training, Aiki, and empowering Aikido" Seminar w/Dan Harden
Yaaaahoooooo! :)

William Hazen

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