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acot 05-09-2007 10:15 PM

Open Invitation
From July 1st to August 1st I'd like to invite anyone whose interested a holiday with some intense training. The mat time and accomidation are free as long as you don't mind sleeping on tatames. The dojo is located on the outskirts of Taipei half way up Five Finger Mountain. On the weekends I'd be happy to do some guided trips around the island. Also feel free to stay for the whole month or just a few days. If anyone is interested please email me at


Roman Kremianski 05-10-2007 07:12 AM

Re: Open Invitation
Will you pay for my travel costs? :D

acot 05-10-2007 02:38 PM

Re: Open Invitation
I wish I could. Ha... The best I can do is give you a tatami to sleep on.


Tinyboy344 05-10-2007 02:41 PM

Re: Open Invitation
I agree with Mr. Kremianski, I'd love to go but it's kinda... far from where I live right now

Roman Kremianski 05-10-2007 02:43 PM

Re: Open Invitation
I'd definitely go too but...I kind of need the cash for college. Ehe...:(

Plus I'd love to see Taipei.

Jonshez 05-10-2007 05:36 PM

Re: Open Invitation
Runs off to check flight costs....

Whoa - £591...

Runs off to check if he'll stil be married...

It sounds phenomenal, I wish I could justify it to my wife!

acot 05-10-2007 10:23 PM

Re: Open Invitation
I don't want to justfy the cost to anyone's wife either. :D

mwible 05-12-2007 03:01 PM

Re: Open Invitation
man i wish i could. but im only 17, and i have no money, and i dont think my parents would be down for that :(. thanks for the offer tho

acot 05-14-2007 09:10 AM

Re: Open Invitation
From July 1st to August 1st I'd like to invite anyone whose interested in a holiday of some intense Aikido. The mat time and accomidation are free as long as you don't mind sleeping on tatames. The dojo is located on the outskirts of Taipei half way up Five Finger Mountain. (Taipei is easily accessible by bus) On the weekends I'd be happy to do some guided tours around the island asi I've spent the better part of six years living here. There are no time limits to how long anyone might want to stay. Food is pretty cheap, and its very good. I will be leading some of keiko, but I'd also love for others to come and lead a few. I'm more interested in the training and sharing then anything else. Also I've planned doing a lot of outdoor training,some long hikes though some of the mountain trails near the dojo, and some half day retreats at a local Chan (chinese for Zen) monstary.
If you are interested please email me for more information.

Ps. If it looks like I just reposted the orginal post.. That's correct.. I needed to corrected some of my terrible grammer, and I couldn't find the edit button. :)


Tom Fish 05-14-2007 10:37 AM

Re: Open Invitation
Hi Ryan,
What an awesome and generous invitation. I hope somebody is able to take you up on it. (I sure would like to but time and money stand in the way.) Thanks for the offer.

acot 05-17-2007 12:59 PM

Re: Open Invitation
I wouldn't call it generous, as it is many folks are on vacation over the summer holidays. So their aren't many people here training. Could be the heat, but on the mountain it really isn't too bad. As for the costs, most short term visitors can get a part time job teaching English over the summer for a few hours a day. At the end of a month it's possible to actually have paid for the trip.

jennyvanwest 05-20-2007 10:38 AM

Re: Open Invitation
Can my husband & I bring the boys in 10 years when they're teenagers? :D (My Mandarin should be REALLY rusty by then....)
thanks for the generous invitation; wish we were in a position right now to take you up on it!

acot 05-20-2007 05:35 PM

Re: Open Invitation
You could bring your boys now.. :) There are a lot of kids playing and having a good time on the mountain.. Besides a lot of activities in the city. In 10 years I'm not sure what's going to happen, but anything is possible. Rusty manderine is fun.. makes life here an adventure...

Largo 05-20-2007 06:58 PM

Re: Open Invitation
Wow...if only I had the money. I was in Taipei a year ago and I loved it.

jennyvanwest 05-20-2007 11:28 PM

Re: Open Invitation

Ryan Bertram wrote: (Post 178813)
You could bring your boys now.. :) There are a lot of kids playing and having a good time on the mountain.. Besides a lot of activities in the city. In 10 years I'm not sure what's going to happen, but anything is possible. Rusty manderine is fun.. makes life here an adventure...

We are not really in a position to travel very far right now; alas. but it is very tempting to try and find a way. My kids' mandarin would be way better than mine after a few weeks of playing with your neighbors' kids! ;-)

I hope you find some takers! It's a really neat offer.

acot 05-22-2007 10:07 AM

Re: Open Invitation
well.. No takers yet, but its not entirely bad. There are a few people going to be sticking around in Taipei to practice with. Although I don't lead a lot of classes in madarin. Most of the Taiwanese would prefer I lead the class in English.. Probable because my accent is terrilbe, and second their English is way better then my Madarin or Taiwanese. Although the dojo cho (Sensei Ricca) conducts many of his classes in Mandarin. We also have the coolest Yoga group that practices there every saturday morning. The teacher travels to India a few times a year to train and comes back with new philsophy and better ways to explain postures.

Here is a website with photos of the dojo and the mountain area.


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