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Bill Danosky 09-16-2013 08:53 AM

What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Solid, martial techniques for me- Hiji Shime, Ude Garami, lots of Ikka jo (Ikkyo) and of course Irimi Nage. Working on my Kote Gaeshi for vs. weapon. I didn't used to think Shiho Nage, but lately...

Robert Cheshire 09-16-2013 08:58 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Dim Mak

grondahl 09-16-2013 09:42 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Ki(mchi) blasts.

Keith Larman 09-16-2013 10:06 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

Been doing it too long to focus on any one thing. Mostly I just practice.

Neal Earhart 09-16-2013 10:24 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

bkedelen 09-16-2013 10:36 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
See what I was talking about, Bill? Waza is the least part of Aikido's contribution to surviving physical conflict.

Violence is the most toxic environment known to man. Aikido is not a mechanism for enabling its adepts to participate in violence. It is a method of reducing other people's power over you to absolutely nothing (Chris' translations discuss this at great length) so that they cannot stop you in any way. There is no violence in this and there are no techniques involved. The techniques are just an environment for you to stress test this skill and thus improve your ability to bring it to bear under adverse conditions.

phitruong 09-16-2013 11:43 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
glock or smith-wesson waza and following zombie land rule #2 - double tap. but don't forget rule #1: cardio. and rule #14: always carry a change of underwear in case of code brown situation. :D

Keith Larman 09-16-2013 12:50 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Benjamin Edelen wrote: (Post 329961)
See what I was talking about, Bill? Waza is the least part of Aikido's contribution to surviving physical conflict.

Violence is the most toxic environment known to man. Aikido is not a mechanism for enabling its adepts to participate in violence. It is a method of reducing other people's power over you to absolutely nothing (Chris' translations discuss this at great length) so that they cannot stop you in any way. There is no violence in this and there are no techniques involved. The techniques are just an environment for you to stress test this skill and thus improve your ability to bring it to bear under adverse conditions.

What he said... Aikido waza are for me like the little foot outlines they put on the floor to teach someone how to do a dance move. Foot here, then right foot there, then turn a bit. That ain't dancing, it's attempting to get you to move in a certain way to hopefully feel and develop a certain thing that can manifest itself no matter what's happening. And doing the dance moves over and over again does not mean you can dance. That's something else entirely. Yeah, you've got to go *through* those steps, *through* that process, but there's no guarantee you'll ever dance well as a general proposition.

So I just focus on doing things that I feel I don't do as well as I should. Because I'm "failing" that stress test in my mind and it reveals a hole in my ability. So I train more. And more. And frankly do whatever the instructor is teaching or whatever my own students request. Because it's all of it that matters.

But then again there are levels involved in this as well. Frankly prior experience in things like Judo and Krav Maga I find would be easiest to teach someone to be able to handle themselves asap. But I've been at this way too long now to worry about ASAP -- that ship sailed a long time ago.

James Sawers 09-16-2013 02:29 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Dim Sum...

lbb 09-16-2013 02:50 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
"Fergus spake these words and he said, This shall be my creed, whereby shall I live my life, as it were a shining example of Virtue and Excellence, well worthy to be enshrined in Heaven as a model for all who are wise to follow. My creed shall into three parts, like Gaul, be divided. Firstly, I shall constrain myself to Mind My Own Business. Secondly, I shall endeavour at all times and in all places to Keep My Nose Clean by the most expedient possible means. Thirdly, and finally, I shall always exercise the utmost care to Keep My Hands To Myself."

Rob Watson 09-16-2013 06:12 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Bad guys don't need waza ...

Chris Covington 09-16-2013 07:27 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Because of my job I deal with "bad guys" more than the average budoka I guess. Studying "this technique" or "that kata" with the intent to prepare yourself for a bad guy isn't helpful. When the moment comes you do what you do. In the real world I have done kata (or pieces of them) that I don't really like or care for that much ; when I was in the moment they were what needed to happen.

When I studied judo I had a few throws that were my signature throws (tomoenage, hizagaruma and haraigoshi were my top three). I'd win nearly all of my matches with them (or lose trying to pull them off). Talk about having a hammer and seeing only nails! If I lost it didn't really matter because all that got injured was my pride. After being in the "real world" I understand I cannot have such favoritism. Study each kata with dedication because you never known when you might have to pull it off.

When I have finished with a hands on situation I have never looked back and thought I should have spent more time rolling, more time on conditioning or anything like that. I always wish I had spent more time training kata. YMMV.

For what it is worth I've found myself in a position to use kamatezume (a Daito-ryu nakajo kata) a lot here lately (another kata I never spent as much time with...). Whatever works I guess.

Aikiwarrior 09-16-2013 09:45 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
Atemi waza. Speed and power.

IvLabush 09-17-2013 02:59 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
"No design, no conception" as Musashi wrote down.

Why aikido Yoshinkan practitioners often are aggressive in discussion? I mentioned it in Post-Soviet Union field also.

bkedelen 09-17-2013 08:42 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Ivan Labushevskiy wrote: (Post 329976)
Why aikido Yoshinkan practitioners often are aggressive in discussion?

Save it pal. We stopped discussing different styles of aikido as if they were personality types long ago.

JO 09-17-2013 10:26 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
All of them or none, depending on my mood.

Cliff Judge 09-17-2013 10:42 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
I don't believe in bad guys.

IvLabush 09-17-2013 11:35 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Benjamin Edelen wrote: (Post 329978)
Save it pal.

It wasn't attempt of provocation but truly wondering to people on other side of planet acting same way.

SeiserL 09-17-2013 04:40 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

OwlMatt 09-17-2013 06:01 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
As others in this thread have already said, there are much better things than aikido waza for dealing with "bad guys". I train aikido waza for one reason and one reason only: because I like aikido.

Bill Danosky 09-23-2013 10:48 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Ivan Labushevskiy wrote: (Post 329976)
Why aikido Yoshinkan practitioners often are aggressive in discussion? I mentioned it in Post-Soviet Union field also.

No, I think there's something to that. Yoshinkan practitioners often choose that style because we want to re-legitimize Aikido among martial arts, as opposed to dance styles. My waza works. I have used it on bad guys successfully. YMMV.

Bill Danosky 09-23-2013 10:51 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Chris Covington wrote: (Post 329974)
When the moment comes you do what you do.

I will agree if we say, "When the moment comes, we do what we have done again and again and again."

It's ENTIRE the point of practice, IMO.

Steven 09-23-2013 11:21 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Phi Truong wrote: (Post 329963)
glock or smith-wesson waza and following zombie land rule #2 - double tap. but don't forget rule #1: cardio. and rule #14: always carry a change of underwear in case of code brown situation. :D


Brett Charvat 09-23-2013 01:50 PM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?

Bill Danosky wrote: (Post 330083)
Yoshinkan practitioners often choose that style because we want to re-legitimize Aikido among martial arts, as opposed to dance styles.

-- Well, that's mighty big of you; thanks! Remind me, which ones are the "dance styles" again?

bkedelen 09-24-2013 10:05 AM

Re: What Aikido waza are you practicing for bad guys?
What say you, Bill? I am curious to hear your wisdom on this matter.

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