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AikiWeb System 03-11-2007 01:20 AM

Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
AikiWeb Poll for the week of March 11, 2007:

Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
  • I don't do aikido
  • Yes
  • No
Here are the current results.

Chuck Clark 03-11-2007 07:57 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
Depends on your intent and distance and timing acuity...

statisticool 03-11-2007 08:15 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
I can't speak for aikido per se, but in many ways slow training is more difficult or at least more involved, both physically and mentally.

Physically because it is like doing a pushup slowly. You demphasize momentum, thus increasing sensitivty to all muscles changes and forces.

Mentally because now you are aware of sensitivity. Which finger touches first, the temperature of what you are holding, the sensation of the mat on your toes, and probably thousands of other variables that typically rush by unnoticed when moving quickly.

xuzen 03-11-2007 08:27 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?

Justin Smith wrote: (Post 171427)
I can't speak for aikido per se, but in many ways slow training is more difficult or at least more involved, both physically and mentally.

Physically because it is like doing a pushup slowly. You demphasize momentum, thus increasing sensitivty to all muscles changes and forces.

Mentally because now you are aware of sensitivity. Which finger touches first, the temperature of what you are holding, the sensation of the mat on your toes, and probably thousands of other variables that typically rush by unnoticed when moving quickly.

And all this intense observation from a person who does not do aikido ne?

As for me, slow aikido is only when used for teaching noobs the kihon, My answer is that it is a snorefest for me. I'd say bring em on you Pansies!


statisticool 03-11-2007 08:42 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?

Xu Wenfung wrote: (Post 171431)
And all this intense observation from a person who does not do aikido ne?

Please stay on topic here.

I do taijiquan slowly at times, of course, and lift weights slowly, and train in other martial arts slowly, including some aikido, for exercises and drills.

SeiserL 03-11-2007 10:00 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
IMHO, absolutely. The intensity comes from paying very close attention to getting the form and technique right before we get sloppy from too much momentum.

To go fast, first go slow and get it right.

Amir Krause 03-11-2007 10:33 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
Actually, very slow Randori (the free play variation - both sides can do anything including all attacks and counters) is one of the most intense ways of training I know of, particularly when practiced with Sensei :D


aikidoc 03-11-2007 12:55 PM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?

Lynn Seiser wrote: (Post 171445)
IMHO, absolutely. The intensity comes from paying very close attention to getting the form and technique right before we get sloppy from too much momentum.

To go fast, first go slow and get it right.

My sentiments exactly. Slowness develops good kihon and then speed can be added later. The faster things go the more the technique breaks down in quality. I have my students practice pacing-slow a fast attack down to control it rather than react at the same speed.

Qatana 03-11-2007 09:32 PM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
Currently we are spending a great deal of time examing what goes on within a single second of a technique.It hurts my brain. It soaks in, somehow.

sullivanw 03-12-2007 01:01 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
Some of the most intense training I have done has been slow.


Ron Tisdale 03-12-2007 07:26 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
If you can't do it slowly, you can't do it at speed. You may be able to get away with it...but you most likely won't make it work against a larger, trained, un-brain dead partner.


billybob 03-12-2007 07:28 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
All my training is rehab. My Senseis know this and emphasize slow training for me. Sometimes the pain is so intense from stretching muscles and tendons that have been locked down for years that I cry out in class.

Embarrassing, but that's aikido for me. The other students are very compassionate about helping me.

I am brining my opinion of myself into line with the reality of my skill level as well.


Jerry Miller 03-12-2007 07:31 AM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
One of the best seminar's I went to the featured instructor kept repeating "slow". It allowed for focus.

gdandscompserv 03-12-2007 07:53 PM

Re: Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
I can't say as I have done as much slow training as I should. I am going to change that. I believe one can learn as much, if not more, from slow training as one can from fast training.

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