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gdandscompserv 08-04-2008 06:19 PM

Does aikido work against dogs?
Recently moved to a location close enough to work to make riding a bicycle to work feasible.:)
Morning 1. Big dog chases me. Scares the crap outa me. Disengage foot from toe clip thinking I would kick him in the nose. Never came to that. Spent the rest of the day thinking about it.
Morning 2. Armed myself with a spray bottle, contents; ammonia. It's on now. Chemical warfare baby. Same dog. Sees me. I grab for my bottle, adrenaline pumping. Damn dog just looks at me and barks.
Morning 3. Still packin. First dog runs out. I spray. CRAP! Nozzle set to mist. Dog stays out of range. Whew, that wasn't bad. Failed to adjust nozzle as I thought I was home free. Then it happened! Five of 'em. Another house further down the road. I quickly fumbled for my spray bottle, and judged the large aggressive pit bull to be the most imminent threat. He was behind me and consequently downwind. Spraying madly he ran into a fine mist wall of amonia and stopped dead in his tracks. Other four dogs seemed to back off at that point. Looked up and noticed the dog owners on their porch casually watching this fine rural gladiator match. What I really wanted at that point is to hurt some irresponsible dog owners. Rode off thinking about the possibility of a confrontation with the stupid dog owners. Would I use aikido, or would I give em a fine blast of ammonia and ride off on my bicycle?
Does anyone know of an aikido technique or internal skill that works against dogs?
If aikido doesn't work against dogs, and ammonia or pepper spray is so effective against dogs and people, why the hell do I spend so much time on the mat?:D

B.J.M. 08-04-2008 06:24 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Umm, yeah.........

rob_liberti 08-04-2008 07:17 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
I have to say that morning 2 I would have tried a different street myself.

I suppose you _could_ buy your own massive dog that could run along with you when you ride your bike...

Or you could through sausage links in any of the dog owner's convertables if they have one...

Good luck. - Rob

Kevin Leavitt 08-04-2008 10:17 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
lol you are cracking me up! Very funny stuff!

I learned not to run in Romania a few months ago!

Janet Rosen 08-04-2008 10:19 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
In play,friendly dogs are marvelous for practicing aikido principles and some techniques. Problem with aikido on an agressive dog is same ais aikido on somebody with a knife: you may come out ahead but chances are you will get cut (bit) in the process.

Rocky Izumi 08-04-2008 10:45 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Used to practice on my dogs a lot until they learned Aikido. Watched my Springer Spaniel male breeder break a Doberman's leg with a rolling kotegaeshi.

Iriminage works best but you need to be doing everything in Hanmi Handachi so you need to be quick on your knees. You end up being too exposed in lower parts when standing and dog can pull you down. Also, you need to learn grappling and to learn to hold the dog's head and push your hand or arm into their throat to make them let go but you can't hold them with just one hand. You have to grab them with your legs as well. Unfortunately, this leaves you exposed to the other dogs. When I was grappling with the stud, the bitch would come in and lick my face until I gave up. If it was a real fight, I would be dead or badly mauled so grappling is not a good option when facing multiple dogs. Also, dogs learn to work in teams and one will attack your back while you face another one so you have to have a real good tenkan movement on your knees. I just don't recommend this practice a lot because I have screwed up my knees so bad from doing this type of practice.

Recommendation: don't go down that road.


Hebrew Hammer 08-05-2008 12:17 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Go bike riding with Cesar Millan next time....

Shany 08-05-2008 12:18 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
heheheheheheh irimi nage on my dog hehehe

phitruong 08-05-2008 07:05 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
aikido only worked against hotdog, with slaw and chili along with some onions.

What I found that worked well with dogs are lemongrass and ginger. we asians don't have problem with dogs. :D

Saw a show "the dog whisperer" or something like that. It's amazing the amount of psychology in animal control. the guy talked about energy and extending and center and personal space. he said something along the line, that if the dog sensed your energy collapse as in fear, the dog attacked. so much like aikido. saw he control the aggression of a nasty dog with a tennis racket (no, he didn't send it to the moon!).

Rafael Martinez 08-05-2008 09:45 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Aikido technique vs. dog? Who knows?
Aikido awarness vs. dog? You bet. Your ammonia bottle is a good example.
How about Aikido philosophy vs. dog? Perhaps take a different route?
I have to agree with Phi Truong, I prefer my dogs cooked. Hehe.

Tony Wagstaffe 08-05-2008 10:14 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Don't know..... why not invite some along to the dojo and get them to join in..... hee hee!
I've had some "dogs" try and join the dojo but sent them on their way..... to a "spiritual" dojo somewhere else.....its the "doggy" breath and smell of stale marujianna that's a bit off putting..... gaag!

phitruong 08-05-2008 11:42 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Rick, have you try to "mark" your route? :) don't forget to "mark" your bike as well. dogs respect those sort of thing. :) sort of like setups a maai distance.

eric_lecaptain 08-05-2008 11:48 AM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Ricky Wood wrote: (Post 212874)
Recently moved to a location close enough to work to make riding a bicycle to work feasible.:)
Morning 1. Big dog chases me. Scares the crap outa me. Disengage foot from toe clip thinking I would kick him in the nose. Never came to that. Spent the rest of the day thinking about it.
Morning 2. Armed myself with a spray bottle, contents; ammonia. It's on now. Chemical warfare baby. Same dog. Sees me. I grab for my bottle, adrenaline pumping. Damn dog just looks at me and barks.
Morning 3. Still packin. First dog runs out. I spray. CRAP! Nozzle set to mist. Dog stays out of range. Whew, that wasn't bad. Failed to adjust nozzle as I thought I was home free. Then it happened! Five of 'em. Another house further down the road. I quickly fumbled for my spray bottle, and judged the large aggressive pit bull to be the most imminent threat. He was behind me and consequently downwind. Spraying madly he ran into a fine mist wall of amonia and stopped dead in his tracks. Other four dogs seemed to back off at that point. Looked up and noticed the dog owners on their porch casually watching this fine rural gladiator match. What I really wanted at that point is to hurt some irresponsible dog owners. Rode off thinking about the possibility of a confrontation with the stupid dog owners. Would I use aikido, or would I give em a fine blast of ammonia and ride off on my bicycle?
Does anyone know of an aikido technique or internal skill that works against dogs?
If aikido doesn't work against dogs, and ammonia or pepper spray is so effective against dogs and people, why the hell do I spend so much time on the mat?:D

OMG is that funny!!! thanks for the laugh.
but i guess maybe go with pepper spray (careful not to run into a parked car while "fumbling" with the can)....

gdandscompserv 08-05-2008 12:52 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Rob Liberti wrote: (Post 212877)
I have to say that morning 2 I would have tried a different street myself.

lol. You must be from the city. Different street not an option. Only one way to get to work.


Rob Liberti wrote: (Post 212877)
I suppose you _could_ buy your own massive dog that could run along with you when you ride your bike...

Not a bad idea actually. Except what do I do with massive dog while at work.


Rob Liberti wrote: (Post 212877)
Or you could through sausage links in any of the dog owner's convertables if they have one...

Considered lacing hamburger with poison but decided that would be in-humane.


Kevin Leavitt wrote: (Post 212884)
I learned not to run in Romania a few months ago!

Not running is good except not "running" would mean I would not make it to work. Not an option. Did consider stopping and placing the bike between the beasts and I while spraying with ammonia but decided to ride on.


Phi Truong wrote: (Post 212912)
Rick, have you try to "mark" your route? :) don't forget to "mark" your bike as well.

I have layed a steam down in front of every house. Marking my bike? That's a thought.


Eric LeCaptain wrote: (Post 212913)
OMG is that funny!!! thanks for the laugh.
but i guess maybe go with pepper spray (careful not to run into a parked car while "fumbling" with the can)....

Situation is definitely challenging my awareness skills. Like pepper spray but too expensive.

Morning 4. Armed myself with industrial sized spray bottle. Fit's nicely on the handlebars. While putting on my helmet and other riding gear, I felt like I was putting on my armor and readying my weapons for battle. Perhaps a tinge of what the real thing feels like. That pit bull was quite scary. Adreniline pumping, heart rate elevated, I approach first house where pit bull lives. Nothing. Not a dog in sight. In fact, no dogs in sight this morning. Hope stupid pet owners keep dogs in house forever. Feel a little bit disappointed that I didn't get to engage in battle, but think it's better that way. Begining to wonder why I study aikido if it can't protect me from this this current threat to my body. Perhaps I will invent a new martial art. Perhaps ammoniado or spraydo. Good opportunity to become soke. Maybe set up bicycle training course with mean dogs to train waza.:D

eric_lecaptain 08-05-2008 02:38 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Ricky Wood wrote: (Post 212917)
lol. You must be from the city. Different street not an option. Only one way to get to work.

Not a bad idea actually. Except what do I do with massive dog while at work.

Considered lacing hamburger with poison but decided that would be in-humane.

Not running is good except not "running" would mean I would not make it to work. Not an option. Did consider stopping and placing the bike between the beasts and I while spraying with ammonia but decided to ride on.

I have layed a steam down in front of every house. Marking my bike? That's a thought.

Situation is definitely challenging my awareness skills. Like pepper spray but too expensive.

Morning 4. Armed myself with industrial sized spray bottle. Fit's nicely on the handlebars. While putting on my helmet and other riding gear, I felt like I was putting on my armor and readying my weapons for battle. Perhaps a tinge of what the real thing feels like. That pit bull was quite scary. Adreniline pumping, heart rate elevated, I approach first house where pit bull lives. Nothing. Not a dog in sight. In fact, no dogs in sight this morning. Hope stupid pet owners keep dogs in house forever. Feel a little bit disappointed that I didn't get to engage in battle, but think it's better that way. Begining to wonder why I study aikido if it can't protect me from this this current threat to my body. Perhaps I will invent a new martial art. Perhaps ammoniado or spraydo. Good opportunity to become soke. Maybe set up bicycle training course with mean dogs to train waza.:D

hmmm, this is challenging! lol
here, maybe this movie can provide you with some incite into "other options" for these dogs... :p

Ron Tisdale 08-05-2008 02:50 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
You have my sympathies!

I remember riding down a street while in college with this stupid little beagle going up and down as I peddled and he hung on to my heel. :(

Pit Bull would definately be worse! Watch the dog whisperer...someday you may not have spray and wheels!


Chris Li 08-05-2008 02:51 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Gozo Shioda used to train with his dog, although he didn't recommend it for everyone. Also, the dog apparently became so vicious that nobody but Shioda himself could handle it.



Michael Hackett 08-05-2008 03:22 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
When I was a little kid my Dad would ride his motorcycle to work and was vexed by a pack of ranch dogs. As he was riding on rural, gravel roads, the option of going real fast wasn't available (and I don't think his ancient Harley went real fast anyway). He loaded a squirt gun up with ammonia and thought he had the solution (no pun intended). That didn't work out too well as he managed to get the ammonia in his own eyes and rode his bike through a fence and into a big vegetable garden. The dogs did the doggy equivilent of laughing their tails off.

Then someone suggested using a fan belt from a diesel truck as a whip. Good plan and poor execution ensued. Dad wrapped the belt around his hand and whipped the thing at the lead dog. He missed, hit the roadway and the belt bounced back and smacked him in the eye. He, his motorcycle and his fan belt all ended up in a heap in the gravel road. The fan belt was still intact, but Pop's hide and motorcycle were worse for the wear. And....the dogs bit the crap out of him as he lay under the bike.

Dad started driving to work after he healed.

gdandscompserv 08-05-2008 04:01 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Michael Hackett wrote: (Post 212934)
Good plan and poor execution ensued.

Story of my life right there Michael. Good to hear from you. I really want to continue riding my bike to work. Wish me luck.:D

Michael Hackett 08-05-2008 05:22 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

There is a product called Halt! which is carried by letter carriers a lot for dog problems. Its basically a pepper spray in a small canister with a belt clip and runs less than $10 at places like WalMart. That might be worth checking out. Just don't spray yourself or you'll end up in a vegetable garden! That stuff hurts!

gdandscompserv 08-05-2008 06:36 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Michael Hackett wrote: (Post 212944)

There is a product called Halt! which is carried by letter carriers a lot for dog problems. Its basically a pepper spray in a small canister with a belt clip and runs less than $10 at places like WalMart. That might be worth checking out. Just don't spray yourself or you'll end up in a vegetable garden! That stuff hurts!

I did a little research online regarding pepper spray for dogs. Halt huh? I know your Pop had a bad experience with ammonia but my Pop swore by it. Just the scent of ammonia seemed to back off that pit pull. Let's say I'm not overly confident of my ability to 'shoot' straight while trying to maintain an upright position on my ride. With the pepper spray I need to hit em in the eye for it to be effective don't I? Pepper spray's only good for about 10 total seconds right? What if I'm a really bad shot. With my bottle of ammonia I'm good for at least a hundred good shots. I might try pepper spray though. Do you suppose the dogs will learn after being sprayed a few times?

Michael Hackett 08-05-2008 08:21 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Honestly I don't know about the Halt! product as my experience is with the OC spray carried by law enforcement. I think they act the same way, but the Halt! is less powerful. With OC it usually is deployed as a stream that is aimed at the chest area and micro drops and vapors affect the eyes, nose, and skin. The number of shots varies between size of canister and brand as does the range of the stream. I know the ammonia works, but I was thinking that the small canister would be more efficient on the bike. From what friends have told me, the pepper spray is the defense of choice in the bear country of Alaska and supposedly more effective than firearms for personal protection.

Will they learn from the experience? I dunno for sure, but the crooks usually do. I know that I don't want any more of it.

rob_liberti 08-05-2008 08:38 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?
Maybe you can go buy yourself a pet skunk.

Does this belong in the humor section? It's really not going to be much about aikido. I believe we are all just reading it to laugh and crack jokes.


gdandscompserv 08-05-2008 09:33 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

Rob Liberti wrote: (Post 212950)
Maybe you can go buy yourself a pet skunk.

Does this belong in the humor section? It's really not going to be much about aikido. I believe we are all just reading it to laugh and crack jokes.


Oh yeah, it's funny now, but it wasn't very damn funny while pedaling furiously to avoid being mr. pit bull's lunch.:eek:

Since it seems impossible to perform aikido on dogs, and everybody thinks it's so damn funny about my being chased by dogs,;) please feel free to move this to humor.:D

mickeygelum 08-05-2008 09:56 PM

Re: Does aikido work against dogs?

What I found that worked well with dogs are lemongrass and ginger. we asians don't have problem with dogs.

Train well,


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