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Antony_Watson 10-03-2001 09:25 PM

Bad Lower Back Beginner

This is kinda a delurk and my first post in one :)

I've just started Aikido this week and so far I think its great!

About 18months ago I had a motorcycle accident that caused some severe twisting on my lower back and its never been 100% ever since.

Last nite in training the Sensei had us learning to roll backwards from a seated position retaining our knees in a tucked position.

We were told not to roll over backwards completely only until our knees reached the peak of their arc.

After performing this exercise over 50 times I felt fine but when I got home my lower back felt uncomfortable.

Today it is still noticably unhappy.

I was wondering did people with healthy backs also experience some discomfort when first performing rolls when never have done this sort of thing before in their life?

Also have I just picked a silly hobby for someone with not the best lower back?

My chiro says I need more exercise and while performing aikido I feel so energised and tingley and happy.


Mares 10-03-2001 09:38 PM

Re: Bad Lower Back Beginner

Originally posted by Antony_Watson

This is kinda a delurk and my first post in one :)

I've just started Aikido this week and so far I think its great!

About 18months ago I had a motorcycle accident that caused some severe twisting on my lower back and its never been 100% ever since.

Last nite in training the Sensei had us learning to roll backwards from a seated position retaining our knees in a tucked position.

We were told not to roll over backwards completely only until our knees reached the peak of their arc.

After performing this exercise over 50 times I felt fine but when I got home my lower back felt uncomfortable.

Today it is still noticably unhappy.

I was wondering did people with healthy backs also experience some discomfort when first performing rolls when never have done this sort of thing before in their life?

Also have I just picked a silly hobby for someone with not the best lower back?

My chiro says I need more exercise and while performing aikido I feel so energised and tingley and happy.


Well, I actually know your instructors so my first question would be have you told them about your bad back?

None the less i hope you stick at it. It is a lot of fun, and you have a good bunch of guys out there in Mt Waverly.

guest1234 10-03-2001 09:46 PM

You are learning rolls and only your back hurts?!:confused:
Usually it is back, one foot, and at least one shoulder. You are behind.;)
Let your sensei know you have a history of injury, but it is likely that it is just the normal 'growing pains' of beginning rolls.

Antony_Watson 10-03-2001 10:40 PM

After about 20 rolls I sat there for a minute or two susssing out how my back was coping. It felt fine.

Jan approached me and asked if I was suffering from dizzines and I told him that my back wasn't the best.

He told me to just take it easy relax and only do more if I felt comfortable.

I felt fine while performing Aikido.

Its only when I got home and I cooled down did I start to feel any discomfort.

I've got a chiro appointment on Friday booked anyway and I'm pretty sure if I'm causing anything to move astray he'll let me know.

I really want to continue with Aikido infinatum (seplt right ;)

Thanks guys.

JMCavazos 10-04-2001 09:57 AM

I have a bad lower back from my many years of baseketball. It seems that aikido has helped to strenghten my back. I have been in aikido for over 7 years now, and I still need to really make sure and warm up properly. Of course I am probably a bit older than you are (44) and I really take a while warming up my knees (basketball also), neck, shoulders, hips, feet, etc...

In the long run, I feel much better today than I did years ago. I attribute it directly to aikido. I feel that the stretching is really beneficial and will help me as enter my 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, etc...

Don't give up, it will only get better. Do as much as you feel that your body can take. Nobody can make that determination for you.

Liz Baron 10-04-2001 12:51 PM

Back injuries...
Stick with it!

I took up aikido more or less because I have a lower back injury. The daily exercises I'm supposed to do to alleviate it are almost identical to the warm up exercises at the dojo I attend - just very boring when on your own. Aikido puts it into a much better context, and I actually feel more inclined to do them.

Just make sure you warm up fully - I'm out of circulation at the moment due to a knee ligament injury which I can only describe as my own stupid fault....

Take care,

LiquidZero 10-04-2001 10:27 PM


Welcome to Aikido! I just started last week myself, never had any back problems, but those rolls are making me want to see a chiro ;). The worst are rolling from sitting, going up to standing for me. I don't think your back pain is unusual though. :D

Mares 10-07-2001 03:23 AM

The best advice I can give is to staright out tell your Sensei your injury, dont' just imply it. Just tell him then he can adjust training to suit. Also you should only do as much as you can handle, then be mature enough to stop if it hurts too much.

Antony_Watson 10-08-2001 06:51 PM

Well apart from telling my sensei of my back problems I've decided to seek professional advice.

I've also decided change chiropractors since my current chiro asked me to pay upfront for a whole year and schedule 52 visits. Alarm bells anyone!?!

So I've been recommended a chiropractor who treats people from my school and also is Aikidoka himself.

So if anyone can tell me if this is something I shouldn't be doing then he's the one.

Thanks again guys for all your encouragement and advice.

Fingers Crossed.

Erik 10-08-2001 08:53 PM


[i]Originally posted by Antony_Watson
I've also decided change chiropractors since my current chiro asked me to pay upfront for a whole year and schedule 52 visits. Alarm bells anyone!?!
They all pull that kind of crap. I went to a chiro for a bit and he was always telling me that without the care of a chiropractor your body will degenerate back into it's old ways. If you'd just see me once a month then everything will be fine. I have not seen him in years and all is well. They also heal the sick and fight the common cold as well. What a load of shinola.

The guy I went to even worked on a baby in the couple of months old range which totally freaked me out.

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