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graham christian 11-13-2010 10:22 AM

Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
For those who wish to see Aikido done without force.

Hope you enjoy.

Mark Freeman 11-13-2010 11:59 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Hi Graham,

Full marks to you for putting it out there for everyone to see. However, if I were you, I would find a hard hat, methinks you may be in for a bumpy ride.



guest1234567 11-13-2010 12:13 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Graham Christian wrote: (Post 268156)
For those who wish to see Aikido done without force.

Hope you enjoy.

But you cannot call that a martial art any more..

Mary Eastland 11-13-2010 12:34 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Carina Reinhardt wrote: (Post 268161)
But you cannot call that a martial art any more..

Martial art! Martial Art! :D :cool:
How can you tell how that feels by how it looks?

Janet Rosen 11-13-2010 12:51 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mary Eastland wrote: (Post 268162)
Martial art! Martial Art! :D :cool:
How can you tell how that feels by how it looks?

Mary I tend to agree w/ you on this - but, I AM looking for any sign that uke's balance has been taken before he falls, such as on shihonage being up on tippytoe or having to flex backward, or some kind of disruption in uke's structural integrity, and I'm just not seeing it. In technique after technique, uke appears to be essentially walking around nage and from a fully integrated posture deciding to fall.

In the version of cooperative training I try to model, uke is actually attacking and putting in the appropriate energy so that if nage does her part correctly, yes, uke's structural integrity is both visibly and palpably taken away and the technique happens.

So my question to the OP is: is this video intended to be an idealized demo in which uke is complicit or does it reflect actual training in your dojo?

dps 11-13-2010 01:16 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
I don't know. It looks like Sensei has already injured one uke and someone is trying to revive him. :)

Maybe this is a beginners class.


guest1234567 11-13-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mary Eastland wrote: (Post 268162)
Martial art! Martial Art! :D :cool:
How can you tell how that feels by how it looks?

I sure cannot feel by how it looks, but I don't see any attack, any unbalance, they are just walking, uke taking toris hand, do you think with that iriminage anybody will fall down?
Everything goes slowly...
Ok I'm opened minded, if Graham call it martial art...Tai Chi is also a martial art..

Flintstone 11-13-2010 02:25 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Carina Reinhardt wrote: (Post 268166)
Tai Chi is also a martial art..

It. Is.

Michael Hackett 11-13-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Great title! Especially the part about the "Dance of the Universe".

guest1234567 11-13-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Alejandro Villanueva wrote: (Post 268171)
It. Is.

That is what I said,

graham christian 11-13-2010 03:10 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Graham Christian wrote: (Post 268156)
For those who wish to see Aikido done without force.

Hope you enjoy.

Thank you all for your comments, I didn't expect to have many , especially positive ones.

I now feel I must explain. The video shown is to show a spiritual side of Aikido and is a demonstration of Kokyu. When a person gets a good reality of principles like kokyu then it does look a bit unbelievable to the naked eye.

So, if you will excuse the quality, I will leave you with the following video which shows not only Kokyu but also the power of the true energy of Koshi. With these two powerful principles comes the greater responsibility of taking into account your attacker and the need for the spirit of loving protection.

So welcome to a demo of Ki, Kokyu and Koshi.

Mark Freeman 11-13-2010 05:04 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Hi Graham,

I think the title of the clip "Two Masters at Play" leaves you open to some criticism. The title of 'Master' can be a curse as well as a blessing. After 18 years I consider myself to be a competent student and teacher, but I certainly wouldn't want to go anywhere near the 'M' word, it's way above my pay grade. I can see what you are trying to demonstrate, I just have a bit of an issue with the grandiose title. For me Masters are few and far between. Maybe I am misreading it and you have a bit of tongue in cheek that I am missing.

I uderstand that when you fully get the kokyu principles, that some of what can be done can seem unbelievable to the onlooker, but not to those who know from the inside. You either feel it or you don't.

Still, like some of the comments that have been made above, there seems to be certain aspects missing from the demo that calls what is being seen into question. The attacks seem pretty un convincing and uke does not show a great deal of structural integrity throughout the technique, particularly when being thrown.

You speak of power being shown, I must admit I am at a bit of a loss to see it. I am definitely not looking for physical power, I want to see mental extention/ki (hard to fully appreciate in a video I know, but I watch my teacher demonstrate it so I know what I am looking for)

I say this as a Ki Aikido student of a teacher who may well qualify for the title of Master after over 50 years in the art, however I have never heard him use it of himself.

We practice and teach in a very similar manner to yourselves in that all of our techniques are (or we try) applied with the spirit of loving protection and much of my teachers original hard/damaging training has been modified for modern practice. However, we still strive to maintain the martial integrity of committed attacks, intent, extention, balance, aiki, moving from the centre, and control of uke throughout.

Having said that, we do teach from the soft side up, emphasising relaxation, flow, and following, trying to eliminate all tension and physical force. There is a point where this has to evolve to be able to deal with some reality. Without complete control of uke's centre coming from your own immovable mind and solid/fluid body, then a strong resistant attack will not be effectively dealt with. And if I am to be honest I was seeing a number of 'reversal opportunities' in your clips.

Interesting to watch and good luck with your training, remember though, there are some very experienced long term aikidoa on these fora from just about every type/style that has come into being, so no need to educate everyone.


Thank you all for your comments, I didn't expect to have many , especially positive ones
Why, were you expecting negative ones?


p.s. where does your particular style come from?

Michael Hackett 11-13-2010 06:22 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Yup, great title in the first video.

graham christian 11-13-2010 07:09 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 268179)
Hi Graham,

I think the title of the clip "Two Masters at Play" leaves you open to some criticism. The title of 'Master' can be a curse as well as a blessing. After 18 years I consider myself to be a competent student and teacher, but I certainly wouldn't want to go anywhere near the 'M' word, it's way above my pay grade. I can see what you are trying to demonstrate, I just have a bit of an issue with the grandiose title. For me Masters are few and far between. Maybe I am misreading it and you have a bit of tongue in cheek that I am missing.

I uderstand that when you fully get the kokyu principles, that some of what can be done can seem unbelievable to the onlooker, but not to those who know from the inside. You either feel it or you don't.

Still, like some of the comments that have been made above, there seems to be certain aspects missing from the demo that calls what is being seen into question. The attacks seem pretty un convincing and uke does not show a great deal of structural integrity throughout the technique, particularly when being thrown.

You speak of power being shown, I must admit I am at a bit of a loss to see it. I am definitely not looking for physical power, I want to see mental extention/ki (hard to fully appreciate in a video I know, but I watch my teacher demonstrate it so I know what I am looking for)

I say this as a Ki Aikido student of a teacher who may well qualify for the title of Master after over 50 years in the art, however I have never heard him use it of himself.

We practice and teach in a very similar manner to yourselves in that all of our techniques are (or we try) applied with the spirit of loving protection and much of my teachers original hard/damaging training has been modified for modern practice. However, we still strive to maintain the martial integrity of committed attacks, intent, extention, balance, aiki, moving from the centre, and control of uke throughout.

Having said that, we do teach from the soft side up, emphasising relaxation, flow, and following, trying to eliminate all tension and physical force. There is a point where this has to evolve to be able to deal with some reality. Without complete control of uke's centre coming from your own immovable mind and solid/fluid body, then a strong resistant attack will not be effectively dealt with. And if I am to be honest I was seeing a number of 'reversal opportunities' in your clips.

Interesting to watch and good luck with your training, remember though, there are some very experienced long term aikidoa on these fora from just about every type/style that has come into being, so no need to educate everyone.

Why, were you expecting negative ones?


p.s. where does your particular style come from?

Hi Mark, thank you for giving such a well constructed and thoughtful reply. I owe you a proper response.

Firstly the title of the video. I have a number of them on youtube and all of the titles I put on them are artistic titles rather than technical, except for my last two which are more technical.

Now on the attacks of the uke I will first say that I teach firstly from static techniques, then from 'offering' and leading and finally from full moving striking as I'm pretty sure you do also in Ki Aikido.

The uke is taught not to go anywhere unless he has no choice.(as you probably know too many throw themselves with great breakfalls) So it may look like the uke is not doing much but if I was not fully in harmony he would either stop or just carry on through.

When you mention the point about a strong resistant attack being harder to deal with, again a valid point, I can only say this;
I personally find them much easier to deal with and thus teach my students to concentrate on developing their Ki and center etc. and to handle all kinds of attacks and they learn bit by bit that the more centered calm attacks are the hardest to deal with.

As for me and my particular style then I can only say it is one I have developed over the last ten years. I started 30 years ago training under Sensei Mike Muspratt in Watford who had been in Aikido from the start of it's introduction into England at a place called the hut. He was taught by Tohei Sensei and by Noro Sensei originally and thus my influences are of the early Aikikai and of KI Aikido. In fact the first book I read was' Ki in daily life' by Tohei Sensei and still have a Hakama sent to Mike by Tohei Sensei and handed on to me which I keep as a matter of honour and respect. It was also there where I was taught Ki-atsu and have practiced that ever since.

O.K. Hope I haven't bored you too much(joke).

Keep living it and loving it. G.

Demetrio Cereijo 11-14-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Wearing hats and long sleeve shirts under keikogi. It has to be a very cold place.


Graham Christian wrote: (Post 268183)
... Sensei Mike Muspratt in Watford who had been in Aikido from the start of it's introduction into England at a place called the hut. He was taught by Tohei Sensei and by Noro Sensei originally

There are some things that don't match here.

If Muspratt sensei was at "the hut dojo" in the beginnings of british aikido he could not have been taught originally by Tohei sensei nor by Noro sensei.

graham christian 11-14-2010 11:15 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Demetrio Cereijo wrote: (Post 268196)
Wearing hats and long sleeve shirts under keikogi. It has to be a very cold place.

There are some things that don't match here.

If Muspratt sensei was at "the hut dojo" in the beginnings of british aikido he could not have been taught originally by Tohei sensei nor by Noro sensei.

Hi Demetrio, I wasn't there personally and am only saying what I was told by him and have no reason to disbelieve him. He told me that he also did training in wales and he still teaches at his private dojo in north watford

If you go on to google images and type in Mike Muspratt Aikido you will see an old official photo of five sitting seiza. Mike is the one on the left as you look at the picture and no doubt you may be able to name the rest of the people there, including the sensei.

Have fun. G.

Russ Q 11-14-2010 11:16 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
I like the hats....

Demetrio Cereijo 11-14-2010 11:50 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Graham Christian wrote: (Post 268202)
Hi Demetrio, I wasn't there personally and am only saying what I was told by him and have no reason to disbelieve him.

Maybe you misunderstood him.


If you go on to google images and type in Mike Muspratt Aikido you will see an old official photo of five sitting seiza. Mike is the one on the left as you look at the picture and no doubt you may be able to name the rest of the people there, including the sensei.
Tohei Koichi sensei is in the middle. Does that mean he (Tohei sensei) was the original aikido instructor at the hut?


Have fun. G.
I'm having it.

Dan Rubin 11-14-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 268179)
For me Masters are few and far between.

"There are only a handful of true masters on the whole planet. Funny how they all end up in the San Francisco yellow pages!" --Yukiyoshi Takamura Sensei

Anthony Loeppert 11-14-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Russ Qureshi wrote: (Post 268203)
I like the hats....

I'm sure they are purely functional... you gotta have some place to keep your stash...

lbb 11-14-2010 08:28 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Tell me they didn't shoot that with a security camera. They didn't really...did they?

kewms 11-20-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Graham Christian wrote: (Post 268202)
If you go on to google images and type in Mike Muspratt Aikido you will see an old official photo of five sitting seiza. Mike is the one on the left as you look at the picture and no doubt you may be able to name the rest of the people there, including the sensei.

I've appeared in group photos with all sorts of people. That doesn't mean they are my teachers, or would even recognize me on or off the mat


Mark Freeman 11-21-2010 06:12 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Demetrio Cereijo wrote: (Post 268196)
If Muspratt sensei was at "the hut dojo" in the beginnings of british aikido he could not have been taught originally by Tohei sensei nor by Noro sensei.

As far as I know Tohei Sensei did not ever teach at the Hut (although I stand to be corrected). My teacher Sensei Ken Williams was the first to receive Aikido training there from Kenshiro Abbe Sensei who introduced Aikido to the UK.

Sensei Henry Ellis' website has extensive material documenting the history of British Aikido and has dealt with many claims of people saying they were there in the beginning and simply weren't. Mr Muspratt may well have trained at the Hut (many people did) but only those recorded on Sensei Ellis' website were actually there in the early days.

Noro Sensei was invited came to teach as did Senseis Nakazono, Tamera and Tada.

Tohei Sensei was not (again as far as I know) part of the British Aikido scene until after Abbe Sensei returned to Japan in the mid 1960's. I will talk to Sensei Williams to clarify, if/when Tohei came to the UK before he went to study under him in Japan, some fair few years after Abbe Sensei left.

I just found the pic referred to in Graham's post above. Mike Muspratt did indeed receive instruction from Tohei in 1978 but it wasn't at the infamous Hut.



graham christian 11-21-2010 04:02 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 268569)
As far as I know Tohei Sensei did not ever teach at the Hut (although I stand to be corrected). My teacher Sensei Ken Williams was the first to receive Aikido training there from Kenshiro Abbe Sensei who introduced Aikido to the UK.

Sensei Henry Ellis' website has extensive material documenting the history of British Aikido and has dealt with many claims of people saying they were there in the beginning and simply weren't. Mr Muspratt may well have trained at the Hut (many people did) but only those recorded on Sensei Ellis' website were actually there in the early days.

Noro Sensei was invited came to teach as did Senseis Nakazono, Tamera and Tada.

Tohei Sensei was not (again as far as I know) part of the British Aikido scene until after Abbe Sensei returned to Japan in the mid 1960's. I will talk to Sensei Williams to clarify, if/when Tohei came to the UK before he went to study under him in Japan, some fair few years after Abbe Sensei left.

I just found the pic referred to in Graham's post above. Mike Muspratt did indeed receive instruction from Tohei in 1978 but it wasn't at the infamous Hut.



Hi Marc, nice explanation, good to see someone who can research before concluding.

As I said before I wasn't personally there and only had stories relatrd to me by Mike Sensei and an old japanese friend of his named Yoshi.

However, I am also quite sure he mentioned both Henry Ellis and Ken Williams and in fact I have sent a private message to Sensei Henry Ellis only yesterday to enquire as to his memmories of that time and Mike as I'm sure they all knew each other. I will be very interested to hear what your Sensei has to say too.

Regards. G.

Hellis 01-15-2011 06:18 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 268569)
As far as I know Tohei Sensei did not ever teach at the Hut (although I stand to be corrected). My teacher Sensei Ken Williams was the first to receive Aikido training there from Kenshiro Abbe Sensei who introduced Aikido to the UK.

Sensei Henry Ellis' website has extensive material documenting the history of British Aikido and has dealt with many claims of people saying they were there in the beginning and simply weren't. Mr Muspratt may well have trained at the Hut (many people did) but only those recorded on Sensei Ellis' website were actually there in the early days.

Noro Sensei was invited came to teach as did Senseis Nakazono, Tamera and Tada.

Tohei Sensei was not (again as far as I know) part of the British Aikido scene until after Abbe Sensei returned to Japan in the mid 1960's. I will talk to Sensei Williams to clarify, if/when Tohei came to the UK before he went to study under him in Japan, some fair few years after Abbe Sensei left.

I just found the pic referred to in Graham's post above. Mike Muspratt did indeed receive instruction from Tohei in 1978 but it wasn't at the infamous Hut.




I must have previously missed this thread. You are correct that Ken Williams Sensei was the first student of Aikido in the UK with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. The British Aikido community owe a great deal to the efforts of Williams Sensei in those early days.

Tohei Sensei never visited the Hut Dojo.

I have no axe to grind with Mr Muspratt, I have never seen any claims by him that I would dispute.
I would though dispute Grahams claim that Mr Muspratt was training at the Hut Dojo in " the beginning "..( 1955 ).I personally have no memory of Mr Muspratt training at the Hut Dojo, I don't doubt that he may well have visited in the 60s.. I do remember Foster Sensei visiting the small dojo in Watford of Mr Muspratt..

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei invited several teachers from France to visit the UK, Tadashi Abe 1958? ~ Mikoto Nakazono 1960 ? M Noro 1963.

I looked at the said photo, I did not recognise anyone other than Tohei Sensei. The dojo looks rather nice and modern, where as the Hut Dojo looked more like ``Stalag 17 ``

I am sorry to say Graham, having watched your video, I can assure that Mr Muspratt would not have learned any of that from the Hut Dojo and the instructors there.

Henry Ellis

graham christian 01-15-2011 08:12 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Henry Ellis wrote: (Post 273218)

I must have previously missed this thread. You are correct that Ken Williams Sensei was the first student of Aikido in the UK with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. The British Aikido community owe a great deal to the efforts of Williams Sensei in those early days.

Tohei Sensei never visited the Hut Dojo.

I have no axe to grind with Mr Muspratt, I have never seen any claims by him that I would dispute.
I would though dispute Grahams claim that Mr Muspratt was training at the Hut Dojo in " the beginning "..( 1955 ).I personally have no memory of Mr Muspratt training at the Hut Dojo, I don't doubt that he may well have visited in the 60s.. I do remember Foster Sensei visiting the small dojo in Watford of Mr Muspratt..

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei invited several teachers from France to visit the UK, Tadashi Abe 1958? ~ Mikoto Nakazono 1960 ? M Noro 1963.

I looked at the said photo, I did not recognise anyone other than Tohei Sensei. The dojo looks rather nice and modern, where as the Hut Dojo looked more like ``Stalag 17 ``

I am sorry to say Graham, having watched your video, I can assure that Mr Muspratt would not have learned any of that from the Hut Dojo and the instructors there.

Henry Ellis

Hi Henry. I have since found that the photograph with Tohei Sensei was a summer camp, and as he always told us the history of Aikido in England, mentioning the hut I assumed he had trained there, maybe right, maybe wrong, but nonetheless he was around involved in the scene during the time of Abe Sensei and was indeed trained by Noro Sensei.

I personally have his original printed out curriculum from the seventies of his own Aikido group which is based on shin shin toitsu. On the top left of the document it says through 'AIKI-KAI of watford. Across the top of the page it reads Aikido harmony-spirit-way.

He later named his Aikido Zen Shin Kan Aikido of which I also have copies of the curriculum complete with criteria for examination from 5th kyu to sandan.

He also had criteria for advancement.

The criteria for examination was divided into four columns:

The criteria for advancement had five columns:

This should give you a basic understanding of what he was about and which direction he took and where his main influences come from.
Regards. G.

Mark Freeman 01-15-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Henry Ellis wrote: (Post 273218)

I must have previously missed this thread. You are correct that Ken Williams Sensei was the first student of Aikido in the UK with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. The British Aikido community owe a great deal to the efforts of Williams Sensei in those early days.

Tohei Sensei never visited the Hut Dojo.

I have no axe to grind with Mr Muspratt, I have never seen any claims by him that I would dispute.
I would though dispute Grahams claim that Mr Muspratt was training at the Hut Dojo in " the beginning "..( 1955 ).I personally have no memory of Mr Muspratt training at the Hut Dojo, I don't doubt that he may well have visited in the 60s.. I do remember Foster Sensei visiting the small dojo in Watford of Mr Muspratt..

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei invited several teachers from France to visit the UK, Tadashi Abe 1958? ~ Mikoto Nakazono 1960 ? M Noro 1963.

I looked at the said photo, I did not recognise anyone other than Tohei Sensei. The dojo looks rather nice and modern, where as the Hut Dojo looked more like ``Stalag 17 ``

I am sorry to say Graham, having watched your video, I can assure that Mr Muspratt would not have learned any of that from the Hut Dojo and the instructors there.

Henry Ellis

Hi Henry,

Having spent many hours in the pub (post practice tradition) with Sensei Williams, I have heard many tales of 'the early days' and Abbe Sensei in particular, who to this day is still spoken of with great affection and respect by him. Also, all the visiting Japanese Sensei were appreciated for the skill they brought over and shared with the early pioneers of the art in the UK.

I'm also aware of 'some' of the politics that lead the the Aikido scene being quite messy in the UK once Abbe Sensei returned to Japan. Probably inevitable, as nothing stays the same and anything that grows with numbers of individuals, is bound to have tensions inherent in whatever system they follow.

As far as I understand things, although Ken Williams had a great deal of input into the promotion and spreading of (as you did yourself) the art of Aikido in the UK. However, there came a point where he set up his own Federation, after leaving Tohei Sensei, and has little to do with the wider world of British Aikido ever since (well over 30 odd years).

Having read some of the material you have posted on your very informative site, particularly regarding the BAB, Im not surprised that he is happy to be a loner, away from all that nonsense.

Anyway, I feel very fortunate to have recieved the teaching I have. I owe a debt of gratitude to all of the early teachers that got Aikido off the ground over here.



Hellis 01-15-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Graham Christian wrote: (Post 273226)
Hi Henry. I have since found that the photograph with Tohei Sensei was a summer camp, and as he always told us the history of Aikido in England, mentioning the hut I assumed he had trained there, maybe right, maybe wrong, but nonetheless he was around involved in the scene during the time of Abe Sensei and was indeed trained by Noro Sensei.

I personally have his original printed out curriculum from the seventies of his own Aikido group which is based on shin shin toitsu. On the top left of the document it says through 'AIKI-KAI of watford. Across the top of the page it reads Aikido harmony-spirit-way.

He later named his Aikido Zen Shin Kan Aikido of which I also have copies of the curriculum complete with criteria for examination from 5th kyu to sandan.

He also had criteria for advancement.

The criteria for examination was divided into four columns:

The criteria for advancement had five columns:

This should give you a basic understanding of what he was about and which direction he took and where his main influences come from.
Regards. G.


In the beginning there were only 5 dan grades for Aikido in the whole of the UK, they were all at the Hut Dojo, later this became 8 dan grades...those dan grades did a great deal to promote Aikido across the UK.....As we travelled we brought along many other students/ teachers who also worked hard to promote Aikido.
In my lifetime I have seen Aikido spread from just one dojo to probably every town in Britain, quite an achievement...

Henry Ellis

Hellis 01-15-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 273228)
Hi Henry,

Having spent many hours in the pub (post practice tradition) with Sensei Williams, I have heard many tales of 'the early days' and Abbe Sensei in particular, who to this day is still spoken of with great affection and respect by him. Also, all the visiting Japanese Sensei were appreciated for the skill they brought over and shared with the early pioneers of the art in the UK.

I'm also aware of 'some' of the politics that lead the the Aikido scene being quite messy in the UK once Abbe Sensei returned to Japan. Probably inevitable, as nothing stays the same and anything that grows with numbers of individuals, is bound to have tensions inherent in whatever system they follow.

As far as I understand things, although Ken Williams had a great deal of input into the promotion and spreading of (as you did yourself) the art of Aikido in the UK. However, there came a point where he set up his own Federation, after leaving Tohei Sensei, and has little to do with the wider world of British Aikido ever since (well over 30 odd years).

Having read some of the material you have posted on your very informative site, particularly regarding the BAB, Im not surprised that he is happy to be a loner, away from all that nonsense.

Anyway, I feel very fortunate to have recieved the teaching I have. I owe a debt of gratitude to all of the early teachers that got Aikido off the ground over here.



Hi Mark

The training at the Hut Dojo was always very hard, the highlight was the recovery session with Sensei Wlilliams in the Hut Pub for a couple of pints of beer after training.

I appreciate that Sensei Williams later joined with Tohei Sensei, I believe he will always be remembered for what he achieved between 1955 - 1967. I do accept that he went on to do much more.
That is why I have worked so hard against the odds to protect the history of the early days of British Aikdo...
I can fully understand why Sensei stepped back as he did from the likes of the BAB...They could have done so much for Aikido, they have failed miserably.
Please give my sincere regards to Sensei Williams.

Henry Ellis

Mark Freeman 01-15-2011 11:28 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Henry Ellis wrote: (Post 273233)
Hi Mark

The training at the Hut Dojo was always very hard, the highlight was the recovery session with Sensei Wlilliams in the Hut Pub for a couple of pints of beer after training.

I appreciate that Sensei Williams later joined with Tohei Sensei, I believe he will always be remembered for what he achieved between 1955 - 1967. I do accept that he went on to do much more.
That is why I have worked so hard against the odds to protect the history of the early days of British Aikdo...
I can fully understand why Sensei stepped back as he did from the likes of the BAB...They could have done so much for Aikido, they have failed miserably.
Please give my sincere regards to Sensei Williams.

Henry Ellis

Hi Henry,

Of course I will pass on your regards.

I will be seeing him soon as I have three young students going up for their 1st Dan Grading.

Sensei is not the hard taskmaster he once was, age and wisdom has tempered him. However 'George' the Shinai is occasionally taken from the rack, when he is roused by students not doing what they've been shown!



Hellis 01-15-2011 11:41 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 273236)
Hi Henry,

Of course I will pass on your regards.

I will be seeing him soon as I have three young students going up for their 1st Dan Grading.

Sensei is not the hard taskmaster he once was, age and wisdom has tempered him. However 'George' the Shinai is occasionally taken from the rack, when he is roused by students not doing what they've been shown!



Ha ha ha :D Old habits are hard to lose ( shinai )

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei would say " My English not good, my shinai speak fluentl English !!".............:uch:

Henry Ellis

Tony Wagstaffe 01-15-2011 12:03 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Ooooh!! S***t someone woke me up!!!!!???

This is a bad dream isn't it? :eek: :confused:
Now where did I put that dam teapot and cozy.....? :hypno: :rolleyes:

Mark Freeman 01-15-2011 04:30 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: (Post 273240)
Ooooh!! S***t someone woke me up!!!!!???

This is a bad dream isn't it? :eek: :confused:
Now where did I put that dam teapot and cozy.....? :hypno: :rolleyes:

What does that mean Tony?:rolleyes:

SeaGrass 01-15-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
ukemi seems very unsafe imho

Tony Wagstaffe 01-15-2011 08:27 PM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Mark Freeman wrote: (Post 273260)
What does that mean Tony?:rolleyes:

It means I need a cup of rosy lee to calm the shock of seeing such mind blowing martial prowess......;)

Hellis 01-16-2011 02:41 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: (Post 273274)
It means I need a cup of rosy lee to calm the shock of seeing such mind blowing martial prowess......;)

Good morning Tony, time for a moring cuppa. I hope you kept the tea pot warm ? ;)

Henry Ellis

Tony Wagstaffe 01-16-2011 05:25 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Henry Ellis wrote: (Post 273290)
Good morning Tony, time for a moring cuppa. I hope you kept the tea pot warm ? ;)

Henry Ellis

Sorry Henry someone nicked my cozy......;)

Tony Wagstaffe 01-16-2011 05:31 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
Some more "tricks" for those who like this sort of thing.....
It's funny how I get asked to do them when people want to do videos.....:confused:

All these silly tricks are nothing to do with learning solid training, it's where it's really at, anyone can do this.....
All it means is you understand body mechanics and would be useless in a really hostile situation.....:rolleyes:

Hellis 01-16-2011 06:07 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: (Post 273299)
Some more "tricks" for those who like this sort of thing.....
It's funny how I get asked to do them when people want to do videos.....:confused:

All these silly tricks are nothing to do with learning solid training, it's where it's really at, anyone can do this.....
All it means is you understand body mechanics and would be useless in a really hostile situation.....:rolleyes:

""" Invisible Aiki """"
I wish it had been truly invisible then I would not have watched it.

Henry Ellis

Mary Eastland 01-16-2011 06:38 AM

Re: Golden Center Aikido for your pleasure
hey Tony:
I just looked at your video doesn't really look too different that what other people are doing except for the times when it seems like you are working to hard and need to relax more. Why all this noise about how different you are? (not being snarky really am interested)

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