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Walter Martindale 11-18-2018 02:57 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You visit Aikiweb daily for 7 years without attending a single class, and start again at the new city after dragging the gis, hakama, bookend, jo, and katana across Canada twice

Walter Martindale 11-18-2018 03:14 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
While I’m at it... when you’re hunting and have to cross an electric fence, you unload and slide the rifle under the fence, and do a diving ukemi over the hot wire...
Too late to edit the one above

CNYMike 03-05-2019 09:22 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
… you travel 60 miles to get training at another dojo even though there's one in your home town. (Not me but someone I know who gave me permission to post this.) created this thread and marvel at its longevity, even if it hasn't been added to in months.

CNYMike 09-24-2019 09:57 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... can't risk doing the odd roll on the tatami floor your Jeet Kune Do instructor set up for BJJ classes.

PuppyDoggie 03-12-2020 07:32 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You might be an Aikido addict if you are the only one who shows up.

CNYMike 03-12-2020 10:32 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Michael Gallagher wrote: (Post 354485) can't risk doing the odd roll on the tatami floor your Jeet Kune Do instructor set up for BJJ classes.

I meant "resist," but I can't edit it. :o

Kevin Kina 03-13-2020 10:47 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... can't remember the last time you didn't high-fall into bed!

dps 03-17-2020 07:57 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Michael Gallagher wrote: (Post 354485) can't risk doing the odd roll on the tatami floor your Jeet Kune Do instructor set up for BJJ classes.

I remember after I had learned to do ukemi rolls and falls without fear standing at the end of a grocery store aisle and feeling a strong desire to roll the length of the aisle.


PuppyDoggie 05-22-2020 07:34 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

David Skaggs wrote: (Post 354679)
I remember after I had learned to do ukemi rolls and falls without fear standing at the end of a grocery store aisle and feeling a strong desire to roll the length of the aisle.


Did you actually do ukemi rolls in the grocery store aisle? Did anyone see you do it?

I was only brave enough to attempt rolls on the school's hard tiled floors.

Walter Martindale 08-18-2020 10:24 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Justin Tom wrote: (Post 354862)
Did you actually do ukemi rolls in the grocery store aisle? Did anyone see you do it?

I was only brave enough to attempt rolls on the school's hard tiled floors.

The late Kawahara Yukio shihan told us we had to be able to do rolls/ukemi on concrete without getting hurt. Tripped on some steel at work a few years back, nearly clobbered the employer with the steel toed boots on the way over but got up, picked up the scale, pens, other things that scattered out of my pocket and kept walking. 'nother time, new job, second day, stepping over an oar on the dock when the person on the other end of the oar pushed the handle down as they were pushing away from the dock (raising the oar shaft) right when I was stepping over it... Roll (across a couple of other oars on the dock)... few bumps from the oars but walked away from that one, too.

dps 08-19-2020 07:12 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Justin Tom wrote: (Post 354862)
Did you actually do ukemi rolls in the grocery store aisle? Did anyone see you do it?

I was only brave enough to attempt rolls on the school's hard tiled floors.

I did do knee walks up and down the aisles as I worked at stocking and blocking the bottom two shelves.😊


CNYMike 05-28-2021 09:42 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
I know this was posted five years ago, but...


Christian Voiculescu-Holvad wrote: (Post 348542)
...You think Shikko is a very efficient means of moving around...

It is an excellent way to move around! But it helps if your knees can fold up that much.


... All of these criteria apply PERFECTLY to me. So... I may indeed be an Aikidō addict.
Seems likely. :D

CNYMike 05-28-2021 09:44 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
... after decades of being unable to sit properly in seiza, you have spent the Covid-19 pandemic working on it, and after a year, your hips are almost down to your feet (or are if you wear shoes).

CNYMike 06-06-2022 07:55 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
…you still can't RESIST the urge to do a sit fall on your JKD school's studios' padded floors. (One has tatami and the other has jigsaw pieces. And I meant resist before, but I made a typo I have to live with.)

…you have done the aforementioned so many times, when you did it before kickboxing class, your instructor said without turning around, "Hello, Michael. I didn't see you, but I heard you fall."

Alex Megann 06-09-2022 02:15 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
... when you realise you have started to think of that gloop we have all got so used to over the last couple of years as "wrist sanitiser" as much as "hand sanitiser"...

jamesf 07-01-2022 10:27 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
Upon entering your favorite post-training hangout, you slip on the wet concrete (it rains a lot here), manage to recover your balance, then tease the wait-staff (with a giant grin on your face) that they "almost got to see you take a spectacular fall"!

CNYMike 01-08-2023 01:46 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... spend your time watching "one more" clip from the 59th All Japan Aikido Demonstration held at the Nippon Budokan on May 28, 2022.

Just one.

Just one more clip.


The next one is the last one.

I mean it.


You believe me, right?

I can stop any time I want to...

CNYMike 01-11-2023 09:39 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... spend your Covid-19 recovery watching this video:

...over and over and over and over and over...

Currawong 02-09-2023 11:13 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You are surprised by the evening class instructor being surprised that you attended morning class as well.

CNYMike 06-30-2023 10:42 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
...when a power outage at the Jeet Kune Do school means you can't "audit" a Jeet Kune Class via Zoom, you watch the latest clips on to feel like you're in a class, even though you don't speak a word of Japanese.

(Background and context: I tested positive for Covid-19 on December 3, 2022. I didn't get very sick, and I didn't have to be hospitalized. The vaccine kept me from dying. But as if the date on this post, I still have not completely recovered. I've been "attending" my JKD instructor's hybrid classes over Zoom, going on camera for maybe a couple of minutes. I don't sit in in person because the effort of going there would count against me. So that's where I am right now.)

CNYMike 08-02-2023 11:57 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... look down the hill from the place where your high school reunion is being held and you feel the temptation to do a forward roll.

...just before the start of the Jeet Kune Do class you're Zooming because of long covid, your Sifu...teases (or taunts) you by saying "We're going to do two laps of rolling on the new tatami floor as part of the warmup." (They didn't, and Long Covid does not respond to that, and the shakes weren't too bad...really...)

PhilMyKi 12-04-2023 01:13 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You log in for first time in over two years and this is the first thread you check!

CNYMike 05-04-2024 06:37 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... sit in on an Aikido weapons class because the Friday night kickboxing class you would be "auditing" over Zoom (IOW going on camera to participate in about 6 minutes of a 45-minute class) was cancelled because the Jeet Kune Do school was testing. did the above in spite of being 17 months into Long Covid, which means the effort of driving ~35 miles to the dojo and back could do you in. made a point of adding to this thread afterwards. started this thread a gazillion years ago.

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