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ChristianBoddum 10-01-2007 05:19 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
Your favorite food is Sloppy Jo !

wideawakedreamer 10-01-2007 11:21 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You visit your Japanese fiancee's parents' house and find it hard to resist doing ukemi all over their tatami-covered dining room. Then you go to her brother's new house and play with his 1-year-old son as an excuse to do ukemi all over his tatami-covered room.

aikiborrago 10-06-2007 11:08 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
hahaha every one of these is sooooooo true.....i can think of at least 5 people at our dojo for which almost all of these are true.

aikiborrago 10-06-2007 11:14 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Ulises Garcia wrote: (Post 124013)
>You hope for the next installment of the Street Fighter series to finally have an Aikido character (flowing Hakama and all), with the coolest Shihonages, Kotegaeshis and Kokyunages (ki-blasts optional).

>You have as much fun with Aikido3D now, as you did with Tekken 3 when it first came out (love to turn uke invisible in tantodori. The floating tanto looks cool!).

Hey! Did I just give away that I'm a gamer? :blush:

:D :D :D


auka kazama is fun to play with..............aikidogi hakama mma gloves shin/instep guards, aiki throws, capoeira like kicks, open hand strikes..........wait sounds just like me......hmmm.

aikiborrago 10-06-2007 11:35 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
you are hospitalized for a cardiac condition and you:

1) critic the relaxation channel's methods

2)perform oneness rhythm and hitori waza in your room

3)keep setting of the respiration alarm every time you do ki breathing

4)give the nurses advise on keeping onepoint while pushing you in the wheelchair(i swear it makes it easier).

5)demand to be released 2 days early so u don't miss a seminar.

6)ask the 3rd shift nurses if u can use their computers to watch your taigi dvd at 3:30am

7) butter your hospital toast with plus ki so u can get out sooner

8)when offered a pain pill u respond "no thanks...could use some kiatsu though....know what that is?.......wanna learn?

9) think of all the ways your iv pole could be used as a weapon

10) you say "KAMPAI" when you take your pills

Jane 10-15-2007 10:34 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You best girl friend advises you not to talk about your aikido passion for it might drive guys away!
... you're mad because that test took so long to end: you'll never make it on time to the dojo :((

Lachlan Kadick 10-15-2007 11:13 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You might be an Aikido addict if....

-You picked your college based upon it's distance from your home dojo.
-Since the college you picked is still an hour away you started a college club.
-After the first month of your club you already have 4 classes a week.
-You still visit your home dojo every Friday night for weapons and just to let your friends meet your Sensei, and the obvious... and train with him.
-You're surprised when you visit the local Wegmann's (a local grocery chain) and you don't see someone from the dojo.
-The main stuff on your desks bulletin board is Aikido related.
-Your friends get annoyed because you talk about Aikido too much.
-During the summer you spend more time at the dojo than your Sensei.
-You carry the "Art of Peace" in your pocket.
-Most of the shirts you wear are Aikido related.
-Your friends randomly attack you just to see what you'll do.
-Your friends end up not attacking you anymore because they learn what you can do.(not in a bad way... I hope o.o ^_^)
-You meet someone from a city in your state and you're surprised if you don't know at least one instructor in that city.
-The main books on your desk are Aikido related.
-You read through all of the forums hoping you find someone who posts something so you don't need to.
-You watch a fight on TV and ponder how to improve both of the guys defenses.
-You don't meet girls because you're always doing Aikido.
-You sleep on your back, because other wise your mind will instantly think your in a pin.
-You teach your college friends breathing exercises so they don't need to drink coffee.
-Your friend runs up behind you and jumps on your back for a piggy back ride, and the next thing you know they're on their back under you with wide eyes laughing because you flipped them.

Ryan Sanford 10-16-2007 01:52 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Ryan Smith wrote: (Post 191266)
you are hospitalized for a cardiac condition and you:

1) critic the relaxation channel's methods

3)keep setting of the respiration alarm every time you do ki breathing

4)give the nurses advise on keeping onepoint while pushing you in the wheelchair(i swear it makes it easier).

5)demand to be released 2 days early so u don't miss a seminar

Sorry to hear about your hospitalization, but those are definitely I can see myself doing! It's just like when I tell my co-workers to keep one point when we move tables around. "Push from your center, use your hips!" :D

Angela Dunn 10-17-2007 05:52 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
your considering going back to uni if you can find a course you could fit what you learnt in aikdo into it.

Your considering quiting your job because it gets in the way of training...(Its kinda true, also because the management sucks!)

All your spare money goes on aikido related stuff.

TeppoLeinonen 10-18-2007 12:09 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
Surefire way to know you're an Aikido Addict:

You look forward to class on your own birthday, because it measn you'll get thrown as many times by the entire club as you're hitting years... And you look more ot it every piling year. :)

Kakita 10-19-2007 12:07 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Teppo Leinonen wrote: (Post 191845)
Surefire way to know you're an Aikido Addict:

You look forward to class on your own birthday, because it measn you'll get thrown as many times by the entire club as you're hitting years... And you look more ot it every piling year. :)

I'll have to convince my group to do this. Although whether they'll be open over xmas is still to be seen:sorry:

wideawakedreamer 10-25-2007 03:58 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Lachlan Kadick wrote: (Post 191744)
-You watch a fight on TV and ponder how to improve both of the guys defenses.

LOL yeah sometimes I do that too.:D

Larry Cuvin 10-25-2007 09:20 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You might be an akido addict if:
After all this time, you still come back and read the latest post in "You might be and aikido addict if..."

Angela Dunn 10-27-2007 06:11 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
On your hard drive(never to be seen by anyone else,at least not till it has been edited :) ) there is a draft for a musical featuring members of an aikido class.....

and you can identify which members of your own class inspired the characters

to the point that things they have said somehow got put into the characters dialogue.

and the opening stage directions feature the lines,

"Downstage left is a dojo area which must have a pile of mats ready for the characters to move and perform on. No shoes are socks are to be worn in this area on fear of pain expertly caused by a grade higher than me on nerves that I have yet to identify. But It will Hurt. A lot! A picture of O sensei must be shown in this area whenever it is in use.

(It should be pointed out at the time I wrote it everyone was a higher grade than me!)

Obsessed much!

Erik Jögimar 10-28-2007 12:22 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
jokes aside, i'm definately surprised about the aikido dreams. Had them from my first day at the dojo, and they come each and every night. Mehehehe to bad i cant actually use the hours spent dreaming toward the grading requirement ;)

gdandscompserv 11-19-2007 04:34 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You ask for a 7 AM:crazy: wakeup call to your room at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas so you can make it to the 9 AM aikido class at Desert Winds Martial Arts. A sincere thank you to James Sterling sensei and his students for allowing me to train with them. Nice dojo, great people.:)

CNYMike 11-20-2007 10:26 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
.... you are relieved there will be practice this Wednesday because the thought of a week without Aikido had made you feel like you were going to jump out of your skin.

... you think you may have said the same thing in this thread a long time ago.

.... you started this thread.

Angela Dunn 11-22-2007 03:23 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
The person interviewing you for a new job read the words Aikido on the application form and declined to shake your hand!

Tony Hudspith 11-24-2007 12:26 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Angela Dunn wrote: (Post 194588)
The person interviewing you for a new job read the words Aikido on the application form and declined to shake your hand!

They must have heard you are one of mine!!!!!!!!! :p :D
See you at class


wideawakedreamer 11-25-2007 08:56 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
you grip the handle of your briefcase with your middle, ring, and pinky fingers like you would a bokken.

mriehle 11-26-2007 11:51 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Rafael Ayala wrote: (Post 194681)
you grip the handle of your briefcase with your middle, ring, and pinky fingers like you would a bokken.

Right, then. What's wrong with that? I do exactly that...

Angela Dunn 11-26-2007 05:11 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Tony Hudspith wrote: (Post 194663)
They must have heard you are one of mine!!!!!!!!! :p :D
See you at class


Maybe so. Either way they lost out on my fabulous admin skills because I did not get said job. Their loss will be someone elses gain!

And even weirder is when your current boss threatens to send you out with a pole to go sort out trouble makers because, "Well your a yellow belt now and so can think of a way to use this to go sort them out. Or you could go kick their butts..."

Or when conversations start with "Which nights are you going to go to go roll about with people next weeks so I know when to not rota you in?"

My boss is a lovely person really.

wideawakedreamer 11-27-2007 10:15 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....

Michael Riehle wrote: (Post 194709)
Right, then. What's wrong with that? I do exactly that...

So do I, to practice gripping the bokken even if I'm not in the dojo.

CNYMike 12-03-2007 10:52 AM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if .... are heartbroken at the thought of leaving a seminar early because you had to get home and feed your dog. (This is worse if you're a Kali person and they've been doing jo. Trust me.)

.... you had to remind yourself not to go back and sit in the next day because you had to get food.

... you started this thread, and you still add to it.

Shannon Frye 12-03-2007 10:06 PM

Re: You might be an Aikido addict if ....
You take your 4 yr old son fishing for the first time, and he starts casting by using a shomen strike (that daddy taught him to do with a bokken). ( and VERY effectively, I might add!)

When I showed him how to cast from the side, it landed 3 feet in front of him. When he switched back to a bokken grip and a shomen strike, it flew about 20 feet out in the water.

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