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Ron Tisdale's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-19-2004 11:52 AM
Ron Tisdale
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 38 (Private: 1)
Comments: 28
Views: 254,110

In General hips back, demo over Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 04-03-2003 02:16 PM
I need to remember...never climb down the rocks backward...

Slipped and threw my lower back out when I landed on an incline with my tailbone. Ouch. Then from having to hobble around I threw my hip out. I think everythings back in place now, so its back to practise tonight.

The demo we were preparing for went very well. The instructors who were visiting seemed to like it alot, and we hope some of the local ones will be bringing some of their students by. No one got hurt, the throws were reasonably crisp and hard, and we seem to have pulled it off. Now its back to basics, and getting ready for the seminars in May and July.
Views: 1479

In General sat, 2, 22, 03 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 02-25-2003 12:39 PM
Taught one of my best classes yet...at least as far as demonstrating technique, and being able to explain what I do. Only two students, but what a blast! And I was still feeling sick, too.


Covered shiho and happo giri, stressed doshinkan movement leading with the front knee, pushing with the back knee through the kata, along with keeping the hips square. Was able to get one student cutting more with the hips, and another smoothing out the transitions from stance to stance, and increased his speed by about double.


Demonstrated six to eight types of kaiten nage from one hand grasp, gyaku or aihamne. Taught 3 to the outside of uke with shuffle or xstep in pivot, 3 to the inside of uke with shuffle or xstep in under your/uke's wrist, body change.

Changed the atemi to the body, shoulder or arm for the class so we could actually feel the unbalancing effect, instead of to the face where we can't really land the strike. Stressed locking the shoulder with the open step / xstep hand over the knee, then aligning the bones on the atemi, so that it could be almost placed in contact, then very small movement to yeild strong unbalancing. Used what I learned from Okabayashi Sensei to intensify the atemi.

Open step or xstep in body change, atemi, leading hand over the knee, was off-balancing uke almost immediately. I was able to throw the larger, better trained uke from that point if needed, or continue on with the technique. Using the basic movement elbow ...More Read More
Views: 1614

In General Feb 19 -- post snow... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 02-19-2003 09:10 AM
Well, the attention to the basics and the connection to uke is paying off. We worked a lot of muto dori(?), (boken take aways) and it really seems to be coming together. The presense of the boken seems to highten the focus, and the basic movements (especially the initial movement) seem to

1) provide the power for the techniques

2) postion shite appropriately

3) initiate the correct response from uke (as in leading for the attack).

I also used elements from a paired kata (awase yokomen) for a defense against a knee attack. Worked like a charm, and the transition to empty hand was almost seemless.

I've always been rather hesitant about the aikido weapons stuff...but Ohama Sensei has been able to prove the value of the buki for empty hand. And the zanshin is becoming totally different...flowing from one technique into the next. I still have some reservations about demonstrating this stuff though...its not like I'd pull it off against a real swordsman. But I do see the value of its practise, at least as long as the understanding of its place in the curriculum is correct.

I still miss working with Utada Sensei's buki waza...I need to go back to working the 3 new jo kata he gave us. And doing more paired boken work.

Missed the sunday practise due to the snow...have to try to make up for that this week. The demo at the end of march is not that far away.
Views: 1478

In General Tuesday, Feb 11 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 02-11-2003 12:38 PM
Should be an interesting practice tonight. I'll be trying to go back to the doshinkan basic movements in each technique, but hopefully invigorated by the information I've gained from the last few monthes of practice with other styles. Leading up to the demo in March, I hope to have a whole new base from going deeper into the basics (once again). I've got to really try to do these movements with a whole new commitment, and connection to uke. Slowing down and paying attention to how the movement affects uke should really be the focus.
Views: 1636

In General Wednesday February 5, 2003 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 02-11-2003 09:23 AM
Went back to ACNJ Tuesday night, hope to go tonight but work might prevent. Really good class last night. Worked some new versions of shihonage, kaitennage, a lot of tenshin nage, iriminage some kokyu nage. Also did one hand grasp, face thrust. Felt much more relaxed and comfortable. Again, everyone was very welcoming. The one hand grasp face thrust was with a yudansha who provided really great shite/uke training time. I was able to concentrate on form and focus, and he picked right up on what I was doing and came back with the same. It was a really good feeling.

Ryote mochi, kaiten nage was pretty interesting, xstep or shuffle step in -- stepping side hand goes high, other hand to uke's thigh, xstep in, body change, xstep back, etc.

Ryote mochi shihonage, 45 degree pivot, off stance hand cuts up on inside of uke's wrist, shuffle xstep or pivot for shiho. I remember doing something similar in yoshinkan, but this was more of a retreating hip movement than a 45 degree pivot.

Ryote mochi, sumi otoshi ichi. Small forward evasion, cut to the wrist and elbow of the side you evade to. Have to be really carefull on the power with this throw for people who can't handle forward ukemi. Nice technique. Must be sure to enter and not just move to the side.

Got thrown with a nice combo osoto gari and koshinage. Start tenshinage, uke blocks, then kokyu nage, uke blocks, then body change again, xstep behind uke for reap, then throw over hip. Works well with our st ...More Read More
Views: 1775

In General Tuesday February 4, 2003 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 02-11-2003 08:59 AM
On Monday night, trained with ACNJ. Arrived a little late, but they were very welcoming. A yudansha named Scott helped get me acclimated and take care of the mat fee. Got to train with him most of the night and was invited back for as much of the week as I can make. I was tense from the travel, being in a strange place, and searching for the dojo, so I never really felt like I settled down and relaxed, but it didn't interfere as much as I thought it might. My hamstrings tightened up and caused some pain, so seiza was no fun, but other than that it was a good session. Scott was really fun to train with, and some of the mudansha were a lot of fun too.

cross-hand grasp, ikkajo osae
cross hand grasp, iriminage several variants including some koshinage. Also did an interesting ikkajo throw (pull uke in vertical elbows, back pivot with elbow atemi, (body change), control elbow, ikkajo nage.
Kokyu ho at the end of practice with Scott was really nice.

Should go back Tuesday night and Wednesday night.

My thanks to Gregg O'Conner Sensei and all of his students for such a warm welcome.
Views: 2451 | Comments: 2

In General Sokomen entry for shihonage and ikkajo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 01-31-2003 01:15 PM
Learned a kool entry for shiho and ikkajo this past weekend. Ellis Amdur was teaching, and showed the sokomen step for both. As much as I've always liked sokomen, I don't think I've ever used it as an entry for these techniques. Way kool. Works like a charm, nice hip check atemi built in, negates the need to torque the heck out of uke's arm to "fix" them for the turning movement in shiho.
Views: 4529

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