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Aikido in Rhyme Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-31-2011 06:17 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 53
Comments: 69
Views: 253,149

In General Five Spirits of Budo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #11 New 10-20-2011 11:38 AM
I'm gonna start with the mind of Shoshin;
Principles to learn and to live and even wash in,
Beginners mind like a sponge with a light inside it;
Every barrier you come to love it and ride it.

Then while you practice and improve towards ability;
Shugyo your catchphrase? well it should include servility,
Always aware of all that is in your vicinity;
For Zanshin is the start of all divinity.

Plenty to do and learn to develop both states of mind;
Plenty of gains to earn as you search and seek and find,
Before you relax, let go and enter the void;
Where new gains and new rules are yet to be employed.

The state of no mind, nothing yet not nothing at all;
The state of stillness yet yet stuckness don't exist at all,
Mushin, where courageous live but brave must fall;
Where you have nothing yet in truth you have it all.

Now you can pick up your sword and truly begin;
Learn the ways of focus whilst maintaining still Zanshin,
Learn the ways of bright clearness yet leaving no opening;
Not a mind that can't move but one that doesn't: Fudoshin.

Then the clouds evaporate and out and in are blending;
Any forces come your way you borrow as they're for lending,
You, the universe, nature, sharing all as one breath breathing,

I'm done, I'm leaving.......

Views: 3044 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Five Spirits of Budo"
#2 10-23-2011 09:25 AM
Thank you. I find the forums inspirational. Maybe I'm a masochist. Ha.ha.
#1 10-21-2011 12:55 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Hi Graham, Thanks for that thoughtful poem and letting us not forget about what we have to work for!

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